4790k & 1080ti Upgrade time..

1080ti is a trooper at 1080p but ramped up it's mixed and obviously doesn't have ray tracing etc..

You're right though, the other option is to carry on at 1080p without the bells and whistles for a few months.

Rest of the system great, very happy I've upgrading everything else. Just seems a bit daft not to have a more modern gpu in it, even for a short while.

7800 gre seems like a good choice, seems to OC well also? Just doesn't have as good RT as the 4070 S and being able to play Cyberpunk better was the big reason for me upgrading.

So, I'm on the fence..
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do how much money do you actually have to spend on the GPU? do you plan on using ray tracing, esp for cyberpunk?
I weighed it all up in terms of features, price and where we are in the cycle and went with a 4070ti Super for £800. Been playing at 1440p.

It's been great, so far. Huge jump from where I was.

System working great. Just need to sort out things like fan curves.

I'll be keeping an eye on 5090 release dates and prices, along with the new x3d chips when released, see if there's much value in upgrades.
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