5 hours to go! Takedown - old school tactical shooter

Enlighten us

I can't think of a single CQB tactical shooter out at the moment.

If hope you don't mean COD. Last one's were Rainbow six and SWAT 4 that I can think of. Maybe some custom missions on ARMA 2 but that's not really geared up to be CQB.

I don't mean CQB. I'm referring to the shooter genre as a whole, it's overcrowded as hell and this game must be excellent to actually make it worthwhile. There's countless shooters that have just failed and died off thanks to CoD,BF and CS dominating the genre.

Plus then you've got the majority of idiots who wouldn't have the skill to be able to play a tactical shooter making it a hell-hole like the DotA(LoL) genre is and that also damages the community.

I'd love a realistic balanced CQB game for the competitive online scene but I doubt it'll ever happen.
Kamwah, that's the whole point of this project. Read the project page on Kickstarter and check out Serellan's website. This project is to create a true tactical shooter as they used to be. It won't be COD.
I have read it, I've followed it since it hit Kickstarter and I don't think you could ever make a true tactical shooter without first creating an engine that is way more realistic than anything we've got at the moment.

CoD was great during CoD2/4 and that's it. They were never tactical except for in competitive play.
Decent AI and the technology to allow it to be tactical enough where it poses a challenge for someone who knows how to play the game don't exist in games. This game like most shooters would ultimately be judged by it's multiplayer anyway so AI doesn't matter.

Game design isn't going to save it.
Anything that resonates in tune with Ghost Recon or R6: Raven Shield has my backing. I just want a game that rewards shooting skill, not a male gamer version of **** barbie.
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