5 weeks on and still Mac Pro issues, opinions.

Seeing as you totally ignored my post before, i'll say it again.

This is your second MP with the exact same issues... Surely it's something that you're doing then, could be one of the HD's you've put in or whatever but surely it's your hardware that's causing it? Why not go back to basics and work your way up until you find the cause?

Well if it does it out of the box then its hardly anything i've done?

The 2nd replacement I pulled out, plugged in (as it came) and it did it.

All the peripherals work perfectly with the MBP. The screen works perfectly with the MBP.

Everything works perfectly (ironically) in Windows 7.

Its 100% a issue with OS X on the Mac Pro.

Edit: Now its just frozen on me and iTunes, Quicktime, Safari all crash thanks for the 10.5.7 update. Things go bad to worse. Quicktime on my MBP crashes too.

Reinstall time it seems :rolleyes:
I must be missing the point, but I still don't see why you can't just keep your hardrives and send it back. You can't have a business or anything important relying on it working or you wouldn't have had it sat there doing nothing but folding for the past 5 weeks. If anything the more duff ones they send you the more argument you have for a free upgrade.

I'm going to phone up next monday. They would have had exactly 2 months since I reported it to fix it.

I'll demand an upgrade to the 2.66Ghz Octo by talking to Customer Relations.
...or you could phone today?

They arn't going to fix it by then, I don't need the machine until two weeks time, and in that week I will be in windows anyway.

I'd rather say its been 2 months than 7 weeks.

Two months is 1/6th of a year :p

and anyway, the 10.5.7 has borked my install, everythings crashing, even after a 10.5.7 reinstall so im going to use that as leverage.
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If the machine has to be custom build etc (because you added a BTO option) then even a free upgrade will take a good week to arrive.

I'd ring now and just say "it's been 2 months".. they aren't going to quibble over a week :p

Well if you have the freephone number for customer relations (not applecare :/) then i'll call them.

Otherwise will have to wait for my level 2 tech agent to give me the number.
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Stop messing around and get on the phone.

ok on it!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: Ok they transferred me to a third top tier hardware support dude, whos made me do everything again, and will get back to me in the next day or two.

I've asked what will happen if they don't have a fix by the end of the week and he couldn't say.

Next time they phone I won't be so soft :/
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If they think you're in this to simply get an upgrade then they'll tell you to "do one".

They may also say that you took so long to sort it out that you clearly aren't too bothered about a resolution. Remember, a lot of business customers / Pros would not be able to accept a faulty product so they simply wouldn't wait if they had problems.

The gate swings both ways..

I also doubt they'll upgrade you, as the jump is too great. Good luck though.

Ah yes very true.

Oh well, see what happens.
Well 3 months has been and gone and apple have sent me out a GT120 to see if that will solve the problem.

It's not brilliant but short of me buying a new monitor it will have to do.

Besides they have sent me £150 worth of kit so not all bad I suppose!!!
You have a £2000+ computer, and you're happy they sent you out a £150 "fix" ;)

If that doesn't work you should have cause for refund, so it's all good.

It's working!

Good news :D Shame it took so long.

This card is selling on ebay new for £100ish, so I'll ditch it when the 4870 is fixed. Or I could ditch both and get a 285 GTX :p

Hmmmmm :p

Edit: LOL, I just tried a VGA cable with a DVD to VGA adapter and the 4870 works perfectly LOL

Oh well... :p
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I had 2 x new MAc Pro's about 3 months ago when they first came out. Spent over £2.5k and had an issue where there was a shed load of white flickering on my screen.

Tested with different monitors and still the same. I said to Apple must be a GPU issue, they tried helping me for about 24 hours then just decided to bury their heads in the sand as it appeared to me they had no idea how to fix it.

Rather than be understanding of my frustrations, they simply said that it must be my monitor (which it wasn't as tested with others) and that I'd either have to put up with it or get a refund.

In the end I stuck two fingers up to Apple and built my own top end PC instead.
Glad I have slung my Apple tinted glasses and I must be honest, I have had a faulty Macbook Pro, black older Macbook as well as a new Unibody Macbook.

Perhaps its just my bad luck or the circles I frequent but I know lots of people that have had Apple hardware issues and for all the positives of owning a Mac, I do think reliability is something of an achilies heel for Apple.

I wish I could be more positive with the OP's issue, but having got zero help from Apple, I wouldn't hold your breath... :(

They have been very helpful really, applecare that is.

But engineering are taking their sweet ass time about it sadly! :(

I think they may be more help than usual because i've got a 10 year purchase history on this account.

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