Hi @MrPils
First I tested SOC/IOD/CCD/VDDP at 1100/1050/900/900. CPU NB LLC on mode 1 (most aggressive) did not spike the SOC voltage at all under load and didnt go over 1.1v at all in either Ryzen master or HWiNFO64... you were correct as I expected.
I then went about testing IF1900/DDR3800
Reset to default settings, disabled XMP and increased SOC/IOD/CCD/VDDP to 1200/1150/975/975. CPN NB LLC on mode 1
Booted into Windows fine and ran a few quick tests like Membench default. SOC/IOD/CCD/VDDP all showing correct
Next lowered voltages to 1175/1125/950/950, rebooted and tested. All good
Started settings timings - TRRDS/TRRDS/TFAW/TWTRS/TWTRL to 4/4/16/4/8 booted into windows and tested. All good. I noticed gear down mode was enabled
Disabled GDM... Windows ran into problems. 02 code on reboot and had to reset bios. Luckily I had started saving a profile to test IF 1900.
Should I continue making changes to primary latencies with GDM enabled with IF1900?
At the moment I just booted into Windows with IF1800/DDR3600 and CAS14 timings, 1100 SOC
Not surprising regards gear down mode as you're running 32GB. Carry on with GDM enabled and see where you get to, 1T command rate is not worth raising TRRD/TWTR timings for. You can do a quick check when youre done with GDM enabled tuning to see how much of a hit you'd have to take on your chipset latencies if you were to go with 1T cmd @ 3800mhz, I'm betting it wouldnt be worth it though