5x5 log: My body is ready


Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
60kg x 5 x 1
80kg x 5 x 5
60kg x 10 x 1


Warmup with bar
37.5kg x 3 x 5
30kg x 2 x 5

Seated shoulder press as OHP is so damn poor:
15kg x 3 x 10 just to finish them off a bit


60kg x 8 x 2
80kg x 8 x 2
110kg x 4 x 1

Could have got another one out but meh


70kg x 3 x 10

Some curlzzzz

When you're struggling to progress a lift, either more sleep or food is required. That'll help you push thru the OHP, but remember it is the hardest press going; it uses smaller muscles than bench!

Bit of a weird choice in progression though, I'm more of a fan of Stronglift's progress; 5 sets of 5 reps at one weight :)
Yeah, I agree - to be honest I've let the structure slip a bit. Going on hols next week where they only have dumbells up to 20kg in the hotel so I will do some sort of bro split and then get back to a more structured pattern when I return.

I basically just do Squats / BP / OHP and DL and then do whatever else I fancy at the time! :D
It's fine doing those exercises, and I used to do similar when I did SL back in the day, adding Dips etc.. But yeah, you'll get more consistent gains hitting SL the classic way :)

Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
60 x 5 x 1
82.5kg x 5 x 5


Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 2
57.5kg x 5 x 4
50kg x 5 x 1

FFS stupid bench fails - so weak.


60kg x 2 x 8
80kg x 2 x 5
112.5kg x 1 x 5


Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
60kg x 5 x 1
80kg x 5 x 5
60kg x 8 x 1


20kg x 8 x 2
37.5kg x 3 x 5
35kg x 2 x 5

Still a massive fail


60kg x 8 x 1
80kg x 5 x 2
100kg x 5 x 1

Some shrugs too.

First session back since a holiday to Berlin where much beer was consumed and little protein. Fairly reasonable attempt. Had a bit of a balance issue on last couple of squat reps - too far forward when coming up so nearly toppled over.

Should be back to adding weight to the bar on Thurs.

Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
60 x 5 x 1
82.5kg x 5 x 5


Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 2
57.5kg x 5 x 5
Failed last rep of bench - had someone lift bar off me who couldn't lift it! Need a training bro.

FFS stupid bench fails - so weak.


60kg x 2 x 8
80kg x 2 x 5
112.5kg x 1 x 5
Ha, you are right mate. I'll look into it this eve. Any recommendations? I quite enjoy doing 3 big compounds a session but end up feeling like I need to do more by the end!
Haha, well I thought given 5x5, you should be picking weights that after the 5th set you shouldn't feel you need to go back for a 6th. Therefore you should go straight in (after warm up) with the heavy weights rather than increment it, like you have done here (just picking out 2 sets that highlights this).

Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
60kg x 5 x 1
80kg x 5 x 5
60kg x 8 x 1

60kg x 2 x 8
80kg x 2 x 5
112.5kg x 1 x 5

Like for squat especially, you seem to have a more than necessary warm up? which instead could be used to increase your (in this example 80kg) 5x5 lift. I get that people are different but personally, for squat, after stretching the legs, I do just one set at about 60%, then I go for it.
I'm about to hit the gym now - I'll be doing 85kg squat so will just do a couple of bar sets, then 1x60 for warmup and then 5x5!

Bar x lots
60kg x 1 x 5
85kg x 5 x 5


Bar x lots
40kg x 4 x 5

Did a couple more but didn't count them due to poor-ish form.


60kg x 2 x 5
80kg x 2 x 5
115kg x 1 x 5

I realise that when I have been logging I've not kept the same format throughout (i.e. changing from 1x5 to 5x1 for some reason)! Will try and keep to weight x sets x reps.

Still more in the tank for squats and DL. OHP = lol weak. :(

I'll try this, next session:

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Not sure what people are implying is wrong with what he's doing warmup wise? SL 5x5 specifically states bar, half working weight, three-quarters working weight, then 5x5 @ working weight.

Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
60 x 5 x 1
87.5kg x 5 x 5


Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
57.5kg x 5 x 5

All felt nice - should have been 60kg this week but no spotter = no thanks jeff (even though it's light for some!)


60kg x 2 x 8
80kg x 1 x 5
100kg x 1 x 5
115kg x 1 x 5

Good session for me. Didn't think it would be good when I stepped in, but turned out ok. Massive forearm pump for some reason.

in b4 'lol that's weak man I squat 140kg'

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Awful awful session today. My gym is sometimes used by the local visual impairment / special needs college and there must have been 200 people in the gym today. Not that they were using the rack but their spatial awareness is understandably dreadful. Nothing quite like going down for a squat and then seeing people in the way of where the bar should travel going up. Fail and demotivating as didn't get done what I wanted.


Bar x lots
40kg x 1 x 5
60kg x 1 x 5
90kg x 5 x 5


Bar x lots
40kg x 5 x 5

Did a couple more but didn't count them due to poor-ish form.


60kg x 2 x 8
80kg x 1 x 5
100kg x 1 x 5

Fail session right! :(

I'll go tomorrow and do some arm work or something to feel a bit less like a failure! :mad:
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