6 months into V8 Vantage ownership

Don't worry about bringing your car aMb - mrk isn't that kind of photographer..

Haha :D

i swear i know where that photo is taken, is that on the a272 or a32?

Photos were taken close to Fleet. I have driven the A32 though nice bit of road!

Whereabouts in Hampshire are you?

Fancy a shoot? :D

I'm off J4 of the M3, so not near the south coast unfortunately! I did however get a 5D last month but no idea how to get the best out of it yet :o

thats actually pretty damn reasonable for the clutch change

how many miles did it last?

40,000 miles :eek: Although from what I have read that is fairly good going. It does seem to be made of cheese and the high gearing in reverse causes wear. Some have lasted half that. And even less on the Sportshift.
Well spotted. It is up for sale as I've moved to London, and for the moment at least I don't think I'll be needing a car. Ownership has been enjoyable and it has really been a car that I never got tired of. Until now I hadn't kept a car for three years without getting the urge to swap for something else. Although, towards the end I was looking at something with more power. Apart from consumables and the annual servicing, it's really been very reliable and glad I didn't take out the extended warranty at the outset.
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