Diet hasn't been great but I'm certainly getting enough calories in. Sleep's been a bit crap over the last two or three weeks though, probably only getting about 4-5 hours a night rather than my usual 5-7 due to a shift change. Back to normal from next week though.
Gave myself 5 weeks to increase my 5RM's after finishing my last 5x5 cycle but that hasn't gone according to plan and I've only managed to increase my bench and squat by a paltry 5KG.
As my weakness appears to be rep strength I need a few weeks of high rep work so I'm ditching the 5x5 idea and switching to 5/3/1 The Triumvirate
41 degree heat, no ventilation or airflow, 9 of the rugby team doing circuits and only my second day back on 5/3/1 having spent the last 5 months lifting 5 or less reps
5/3/1: The Triumvirate (W1D2)
117.5 x 5
137.5 x 5
155 x 13 (Belt)
Deficit Bulgarian Split Squat
20s x 10
20s x 10
20s x 10
20s x 10
20s x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
Time: 80 minutes
Squats did me. Was gassed after 4 reps then just refused to stop until I had tunnel vision and felt like I was going to pass out. Took about 15 minutes to recover and even then I struggled to get my heart rate back down for the rest of the workout it was so hot.
Massive effort on the squats pk. Isn't the point of 5/3/1 not to push to the limit, but leave 1 or 2 reps in the tank? Didn't 5/3/1 do you no favours last time? I know you did BBB that time though.
Not sure. If it wasn't for the fact I could barely see straight I think I was good for a few more reps but my fitness let me down rather than my strength which is amusing considering rep strength has been my problem for the last few weeks
Problem I had with BBB were the additional 50 reps after already fatiguing my muscles with the + set. Hoping to avoid that scenario with The Triumvirate although I'll be able to judge how hard I can push myself when I start my next cycle based on the results of this one.
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