I'm surprised you were able to lift at all with such a small amount of food. Great commitment.
Any chance of vids of DL's?

I'm interested in peoples techniques (plus it's hard to envisage what you look like bent over in skin tight shorts).
Awful session. 12 hour day, 6 of those driving to Bristol and back, and only one protein shake in the morning and a packet of Wotsits all day so I was dead before I even got to the gym.

100 x 5
122.5 x 5
145 x 5
167.5 x 5
190 x 5

50 x 5
55 x 5
60 x 5
65 x 4 + 1
70 x 2 + 2 + 1



Deadlifts - Lower back's been aching all day from work but these didn't feel great. Very slow off the floor and my back felt like it took most of the punishment although that could've just been because it was aching from work.

- For whatever reason these are absolutely killing the crooks of my arms and lower back. I can't generate any power from my shoulders and the weight isn't heavy enough to work them anyway so I'm dropping them and going back to seated shoulder press.
Strong diet! :D

Good session considering. Not killing yourself as necessary with your workouts is all part of the plan for not getting injured :)
I'm surprised you were able to lift at all with such a small amount of food. Great commitment.
I subscribe to Chongs theory that what you eat the day before is more important than what you eat on the day and yesterday was a good eating day :D

Any chance of vids of DL's?
Post 34 :)

Good session considering. Not killing yourself as necessary with your workouts is all part of the plan for not getting injured :)
Don't know about that. My hamstring's are still ruined from my GM's on Tuesday. Not quite struggling to get off the toilet ruined but certainly anti stairs ruined :o
Right side of my lower back's a bit sore today. Sitting in front of a network cabinet for hours on end and laying cable under floor boards hasn't really done it the world of good. Interestingly, whenever I get pain in this exact spot the inside of my right knee always feels tight. No idea why but it's my single biggest niggle and although it doesn't really hurt it really dents my confidence when squatting because it doesn't feel particularly secure on the walk out. Will use my knee sleeves on Monday and see how it feels.
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Weighed myself again today and I'm still 17st 8lbs so my weight's roughly the same as it was exactly a month ago.

I increased my calories to 2500 two weeks ago so I'll up them again from Monday and reassess in a months time just before I start my 5x5 routine.

Pizza time.
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Most fun session I've had in a while but also the most disappointing.

100 x 5
125 x 5
150 x 5
175 x 5 (Belt)

20 x 10
25 x 10
30 x 10
35 x 10
40 x 10

S2 - GHR's
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10


Squats - Best heavy set of squats I've done in a while (despite wearing my belt way too tight) but I can't squat any heavier without compromising my form or height so I'm around 15kg down from this time last year and 25kg down on my PB :(

DBSS - Tried these a few weeks ago but something in my right hip felt like it was going to snap so immediately stopped. Did some research and realised my foot was too far in front of me so addressed that tonight and got them spot on. I don't like... :eek:

GHR's - Lower back's still aching from Friday so dropped GM's and went back to these. Expected them to be a bit easier having done GM's for the last month but they were still a complete *******. Didn't help that I supersetted them with DBSS though :o
DBSS are killer. The stretch and pump is lovely.

Thought about structuring your squats so you can do more sets of 175?
Not really. I don't feel like the sets leading up to my top set are particularly taxing but even if I did structure it differently I know I don't have the strength to perform multiple heavy sets just yet.

Having said that, give me four weeks on Bill Starr's 5x5 and I'll be eating 175 for breakfast. Just need that damn 180 next week which is looking highly unlikely :(
Subscribing, can't believe I missed this.

Some serious lifting going on PK, damn awesome. Love your deadlifts video as well, jealous of the back tightness....my upper back ends up rounding once I fatigue :(
Painful :(

Bench Press
95 x 5
105 x 5
115 x 5
125 x 5
135 x 5

Pendlay Row
60 x 5
70 x 5
80 x 5
90 x 5
100 x 5

BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10


Bench - Crooks of my arms are ruined thanks to OHP. Both feel like they've got severe tendinitis and it resulted in very painful pressing. Been getting progressively worse each week for around a month :(

Pendlay Row - Really enjoyed these although the last rep of my last set involved a bit of chest dip :o

Dips - Arms are ****** so might as well **** them up some more.
Shame about the arms PK, I'd suggest resting them and smashing them with a lacrosse ball.
I find soft tissue/deep massage helps with recovery of sore areas. From the sound of things, it won't heal up if you continue to aggravate it. I'd also stretch out your shoulders, tightness there can cause problems in the biceps/forearms when pressing.
I had a saw bicep recently, it was on the outside just above the elbow, rolled a ball on it for a bit and it did help me to find if it was anywhere specific that was hurting :)
Hit my current limit with squats on Monday, my arms have wrecked my bench and I'm traveling a lot next week with work so decided to make this the last session before I have a week off and start my 5x5 routine.

100 x 10
125 x 5
150 x 5
175 x 5
200 x 5
180 x 5
160 x 5
140 x 5
100 x 10

Seated Shoulder Press

40 x 5
50 x 5
60 x 5
70 x 5
80 x 5
90 x 5
100 x 2


Deadlifts - Top set felt much stronger than last week although my form wasn't as good as I would've liked. Not enough leg drive and too much back but nothing I can't work on during the first two weeks of my 5x5. All of my sets after 200 were double overhand without chalk to help strengthen my grip.

SSP - Haven't done these for months but I appear to have lost very little strength. Started light and worked my way up until I failed at 100. Usually have two people help get the weight above my head before I press but I was on my own tonight and 100's simply too heavy to move in to position on my own without getting knackered.
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