6300 + DS4 At 3.5 Gigs

Psypher5 said:
can i just ask what did you clock the 6300 too on the asus?

Thinking of getting the asus or a gigabyte, cant decide. Would help immensly :)

Wouldn't go much above 400. The DS4 is faster and cheaper :)
Bigstan said:
All of my rigs run Folding 24/7 (6 rigs and 1 laptop - so far) and I can assure you that Prime stability is no assurance that a machine will fold successfully.

I have had a rig (opty 170) prime stable for 20 hours only to fall over within 2 hours Folding. In contrast, I have also had a rig (X2 4400+) fail prime in less than 1 hour but fold flawlessly for months at the same overclock.

Like The Asgard, I tend to prime my systems for a couple of hours to get an idea if it is stable or not but I never assume that it is stable until it has folded for a couple of weeks without issue. If it fails prime, I will still try it folding to see if it works.

I'm not saying Prime is no use - it has it's uses, just that I would never trust it 100% to say whether my system is stable or not.

Stan :)

Edit: Nice oc there btw The Asgard - great VFM little chip you've got there :)

Totally agree. What you need is a program that stresses EVERY instruction and even then there will always be Bugs in the software that will bring everything down.

It reminds me of my Seti Days. I have/had 30,000+ units in Team Picard. Not sure if TP are still running. Couldn't justify the carbon emmisions now though but folding is an excellent cause :)
Stability is basically what is acceptable to the individual. Period!

As proved by my stability testing there will always be a few jokers/kids who won't accept any amount of evidence and don't have the intelligence to interpret the results anyway. So it all ends up being pretty pointless anyway. So my advice would be do what ever you feel happy with that proves to you that your hardware is stable. :)

The guys on XS have made the statement with regard to there "The Official Core 2 Duo Overclocking Thread"

"Atleast a Pi 1M shot is required, however feel free to post other benchmark results as well. A dual prime screenshot of >1 hour (>3 hours preferred) would also be appreciated for proof of basic stability, but is not mandatory."

Like I said everyone has there own idea of stabilty and what is acceptable
easyrider said:
Hang on,Insulting people who want overclocking stabilty testing makes them lack intelligence and pre-pubescent?

I'm sorry but these people seem to know how to use and show cpu time in task manager. ;) :D

Thats all you needed to do.

Run prime and show results.
Thats it!

I did run prime you just dont have the intelligence to interpret the results.

I can't be bothered any more with your wind up comments. Save it for the playground and for someone that cares.

End of story, You had your chance. Leave it now. End Of. Move on!
trojan698 said:
Is this a retail or ES chip you're using asgard?

Its just a bog standard OEM chip m8 that I purchased from OcUK. I bought 2 oems 1 from another distri and the other chip looked like it would do the same. Never pushed the other but got 3.4 from it at default from a quick play.

If you plan on using a 6300/6400 I would defo go for a DS4. I have a P5W DH and that can't touch the DS4 for max FSB or Memory Bandwidth on these chips. Only managed 400 with my 3.5 chip on a P5W although I never tried turning the hyper off. These chips really do need a good board to shine.
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