I've figured out what the issue is after watching that video you linked. He does not restart the game after changing settings, so that is why RT is not being properly applied. If he'd just restarted after changing settings, it would look like my screenshots do.
That issue was fixed in a game update after launch I believe, I'll have to test it myself and update my post. Btw, Far Cry 6 was released 7th of October. That video you referneced as proof, uploaded 7th of October. Sorry Nexus, you probably thought you had a slam dunk there.
I've got Ghostwire Tokyo ready to go when you have it downloaded.
So you're saying that several people have all just so happened to not restart the game?
What about the issues in bright memory, cp 2077, watch dogs legion etc.? Did several people all just forget to restart them games too?
Still looking like a slam dunk from my POV
Using the exact same frame as your screenshot:
Even though your screenshot will definitely have no compression compared to the 3080 yt video, there is still some terrible noise/smudge happening on the building in yours, granted not as bad as the previous scenarios though but still an issue/rendering problem happening. Could perhaps be down to the nvidia tensor cores/drivers handling the denoising much better as this was touted as an advantage in one of DF videos, iirc, the one where he compares amd and nvidia in ray tracing. Will have a look later.
I like how you keep referencing benchmarks of the single fps issue with the 3080 from said sites launch day results but now when pointing out an issue on amds side, "oh it's from launch day"