Back to the issue of this tread which is an apparent pilot suicide, its important to come up with a solution which is proportionate to what is effectively a black swan event, and likely to be effective against the problem. Suggestions of A.I. pilots or deep vetting of flight crew are massive overkill, unworkable and unlikely to provide any protection against this event in any case.
Since the Germanwings accident it now necessary to screen flight crew before employment in a european airline for physiological issues - having recently returned to flying after covid, I've just undergone such screening. Personally, it struck me as a box ticking exercise and could not for the life of me see how it could identify me as a suicide risk, but then again what do I know.
Probably more importantly, the last two airlines I've worked for have implemented a mental health support network for all employees but specifically flight crew in the form of a specially trained pilot peer support group. How effective this is I don't know, but it strikes me as a definite move in the right direction and likely to be the way to go in stopping such events.