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7700k delided CPU delided

18 Oct 2002
I am just running the 7700k through its paces now.

The first pass of testing shows a huge voltage increase needed for 5.2GHZ with 3600MHZ RAM XTU/CB15 bench stable - 1.41v

5.1GHZ with 3600MHZ needs just 1.32v vcore with no other voltage tweaks. At 5.1GHZ max coretemp temp is 69C (XTU bench) with fans on quiet. This is on the smaller AIO - the Corsair V100i v2.
8 Aug 2008
Overclocking a cpu has a lot more than just upping the volts and the multiplier and hoping for the best.

Just because the chip is guranteed to run at that speed at that volts at that temperature doesn't mean the board that you currently own will or can.

The premium you are paying is for getting a chip that is guaranteed to do what it says on the tin based on you having compatible cooling and other hardware to go with it. Overclockers and 8pack make this clear to anyone who buys this product and yet people still choose to ignore the suggestions. Unless you listen to 8packs recommendation and get the appropriate cooling and higher end board then you cant say anything about this. 8pack has a right to be agitated about it as people come on here complaining about their chip even though he has already advised them to get better components to go with it. Yes if the lid falls off then that is a genuine reason to return it.
OcUK Staff
20 Feb 2012
John Smiths Stadium
Out of the hundreds of CPU we sold binned only 2-3 have not reached the specific frequency binned to. Which is less than 1%. Remember we are putting these chips in our own systems too. So if your saying its not the correct bin, its possible but unlikely. Its more likely that the binning was done on a Z270 board with the improvements on this platform for OC than your older platform. Older platforms with updated microcode have never quite done it at the top end OC level.

Cooler is far from good enough!!! and this as many have pointed out gives you no reason to comment.....
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30 Sep 2008
personally i dont understand why any one bothers with the pre binned...i remember when overclocking was all about buying the cheapest kit and making it run like the top dog, now it just seems everyone wants it on a plate (no disrespect to anyone here) seems all a bit pointless for an extra 200Mhz theirs no way anyone can tell the difference day to day from 4.8Ghz and 5Ghz.
22 Oct 2004
personally i dont understand why any one bothers with the pre binned...i remember when overclocking was all about buying the cheapest kit and making it run like the top dog, now it just seems everyone wants it on a plate (no disrespect to anyone here) seems all a bit pointless for an extra 200Mhz theirs no way anyone can tell the difference day to day from 4.8Ghz and 5Ghz.
See what your saying, for some it would take the fun out of it. But others just want the guareented performance and just get on with using the pc. Not sure which category I fall in myself really.
10 Jun 2005
Clock wise? Good to know. Was thinking of a lower end board on Z270 but could probably get a higher end Z170 for the same price?

Processor overclock wise, I saw no difference between an Asrock Pro 4s (almost the cheapest Z170) compared to the Asus Z270 Code which is one of the most expensive. I upgraded the board for improved memory overclocks and better VRM heatsinks that didn't require active cooling.

I would push for a Z270 personally as you will hopefully have a better chance of being able to upgrade to coffeelake.
7 Dec 2015
well only one way to find prove it.

void needs to strap a proper cooler to his CPU and get a better MB ;)

Nope. I just got another 5.1GHz binned 7700k from China. With exactly the same cooler, MB and settings, I get significantly better temperatures. This is hard evidence that the sample previously returned twice by others is definitely poorly lidded. I don't blame 8 Pack here, but I believe the one who applied the liquid metal and re-lidded the CPU had no care about the customers.

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18 Oct 2002
void. the various QA issues have been discussed in the other thread.

the point here is that if you are not running a decent double rad AIO cooler your chances of getting any 7700k to work well at 5.1Ghz is far lower than with an aircooler.

all you have done is waste money for a different point that didn't need proving as it's already been proven in another thread.
7 Dec 2015
void. the various QA issues have been discussed in the other thread.

the point here is that if you are not running a decent double rad AIO cooler your chances of getting any 7700k to work well at 5.1Ghz is far lower than with an aircooler.

all you have done is waste money for a different point that didn't need proving as it's already been proven in another thread.
Waste money? not everyone needs to OC it to the specified bin. I get binned CPUs because I want to run them cooler at lower clocks. I just prove that the sample I purchased from OcUK needed further quality control. There's nothing wrong with my cooler or my motherboard (and my motherboard is £40 more expensive than yours).

Screenshot of the new CPU:

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