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7700K VS Zen 1700/1800X For gaming??

2 Jan 2012
Anyone with a realistic idea on whether the 7700K would outperform Zen for gaming?

Got a decent price on a 7700K and it would be a slot in upgrade, i.e no need to change motherboard.

However will Zen outperform this chip in gaming? I would expect Zen to be better in more workstation type programs as it has the extra cores but gaming wise?
In the immediate term, I would bet the 7700K is a better shout for gaming, pending reviews/real benches. As a slot in upgrade vs a new platform I reckon a no brainer.

For a new purchase, I think Zen cored chips are going to be hard to overlook.

It's all speculation until the benches hit
My take on it is this...

In Single threaded stuff 7700k is going to be the better option, for anything that scales remotely with more threads, then the Zen chip is probably going to be the better option. Should we move towards more thread utilisation becoming common practice then the Zen is the winner hands down, no questions asked, it seems AMD's SMT is actually better than Intels HT, from the leaks, although they are leaks and not real solid evidence until officially unveiled and benched etc, but theres a lot of leaks pointing in the same direction so make your own mind up there.

Another thing to consider is what hardware are you running with your CPU, if your gaming where your GPU bound then CPU is going to be pretty irrelevant, either chip will suit you fine, common sense here is to pick the cheapest chip to suit your needs, in this case i feel Zen is the clear winner as not only cheaper but you gain more cores at the same time, so double win here.

End of the day, a 7700k @ 5ghz is going to be a good gaming CPU, nice minimums etc, you have to ask yourself if your happy with slightly less performance but twice the amount of cores for the same or less money.

I think anyone that just wants the absolute best single threaded score will go with 7700k, anyone thats on a budget of some kind and wants an all round PC will go with Ryzen, especially if the prices are to be believed, you can pretty much build a top end Ryzen rig for the cost of Intels highest end i7 (6950x) or even close to the cost of the 6900k.

If moneys no object then your probably better spending it with Intel to eek out the absolute best of the best performance in all areas, if you go Zen your going to probably get 90% of the single threaded performance and 120% of the Multithreaded performance but at a massively reduced price.

Thats my take on it.

Personally for me? my 4770k is going to my kids, im going 1800X for my personal rig, Single threaded will be around the same level i reckon, but i will gain double the amount of cores and threads which gives me a bit more future proofing, DDR4, m.2 etc as well.
Buying a new rig who the **** opts for the quad 7700k at £340 when you can have a hex for less or an eight core for the same price.

Yeah and I can guarantee we will soon see unlocked CPUs from Intel again down the entire range.
Buying a new rig who the **** opts for the quad 7700k at £340 when you can have a hex for less or an eight core for the same price.

Yeah and I can guarantee we will soon see unlocked CPUs from Intel again down the entire range.

Thing is you only have to look at these boards and the thread with binned Kaby chips to see that they sell and sell very well, people will always want the absolute fastest, even if its gimped in all other areas, just to say my chips the fastest in xxx Single Threaded Benchmark etc.

Its ok to say the smart money is to buy an AMD chip as your basically getting a better rounded chip for your money, but a lot of people just see big numbers and think that automatically equates to big numbers in ALL tasks. Right now they wont be too far off as the gaming software ecosystem is not at a level where more cores really matters, once we move into the world where more cores > single threaded score, then obviously the Zen chips are the smarter buys.

One thing about AMD, they always build for the future, Zen is a future architecture, they may actually have a year or so of being the slower cpu in games due to the nature of how games are coded, but once / if the market shifts to more cores, and with them having their hardware in Consoles, we should hopefully see a shift to better utilization of this hardware, at that point, Zen is always going to be the smarter option, unless Intel can bring something to rival it, and by that i dont mean more ST performance, they will need to catch up AMD's MT performance it seems.
I think the 7700k will hold the advantage for gaming but the 1700/1800x will be no slouch and better at multi thread, horses for courses really, my moneys going on amd something about it has grabbed my attention but undecided on a 1700x or 1600x
I think the 7700k will hold the advantage for gaming but the 1700/1800x will be no slouch and better at multi thread, horses for courses really, my moneys going on amd something about it has grabbed my attention but undecided on a 1700x or 1600x

As i said, AMD is the better all round chip, with the Kabylake your getting really high ST performance and decent MT, with AMD your getting decent ST and insanely good MT, for the here and now Intel probably have a slight edge but if you move towards anything that wants more cores the intel chips get a good beating.
The sensible option for OP would be to take the 7700K now, then when the time comes that you actually need 10 or more threads for gaming, get a 2nd or 3rd revision Zen setup
I think as you have the rest of the build already, the 7700k is a no brainer.

In fact, i expect 7700k to be faster gaming cpu than ryzen.

But as games move towards being more threaded, then i can see that changing.
Why not wait for the NDA to be lifted and a few people get hold of them for "official" reviews. As good as some of these leaks are, they are not confirmed as of yet. If it was my money, id hold off till we have some reviews which compares them back to back.
7700k will be top in nigh on every gaming bench but cores are starting to matter.i guess its what you want to do.

ryzen we still got to see them proper release benchmarks then see what is real and what is bs.
Even best case scenario it's not going to blow a 7700k away.

The op already has his system built and can slot the cpu straight in.

Why wait if he has a good deal on a 7700k?
It will harm the reputation of the reviewers/benchmark if it isn't true which is what we will all find out.

If the 1700x or 1800x live up to it, i will take the plunge to get an 8 core processor for less rather than intels 8 core offering.
7700K once overclocked is probably going to perform better in most games (RTS and BF1 being the only exceptions). It's probably going to be a lot cheaper too. The 1700 etc are probably going to be the better buy if you don't already own a motherboard and want something that is going to last longer than a couple of years.
Right yeah... should have known it was based of xfastest just going fast with finding benchmark.. sorry about that.

Anyways i expect these amd ryzen processors to overclock at around 4ghz or more.
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