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7700K VS Zen 1700/1800X For gaming??

Yet another BS benchmark as they don't test higher than 1080p. How on earth do you guys fall for this type of rubbish? Go ask them to run it again at 1440/Ultrawide/4k.

Then the whole clock for clock nonsense. Where's all the 1440+ benchmarks showing Ryzen (OC) v's 7700k@5g? (which is attainable by most Kaby).
Yet another BS benchmark as they don't test higher than 1080p. How on earth do you guys fall for this type of rubbish? Go ask them to run it again at 1440/Ultrawide/4k.

Then the whole clock for clock nonsense. Where's all the 1440+ benchmarks showing Ryzen (OC) v's 7700k@5g? (which is attainable by most Kaby).

There is nothing more annoying than an idiot implying you are an idiot.
Why 1080p and not 1440p?
Because the lower the resolution, the more the CPU becomes the bottleneck. The higher the resolution, the more the GPU becomes the bottleneck.
So guess what settings you use if you want to analyse the difference between CPU's?
Yet another BS benchmark as they don't test higher than 1080p. How on earth do you guys fall for this type of rubbish? Go ask them to run it again at 1440/Ultrawide/4k.

Then the whole clock for clock nonsense. Where's all the 1440+ benchmarks showing Ryzen (OC) v's 7700k@5g? (which is attainable by most Kaby).

You understand they test at low res because that is where the Cpu makes the MOST difference right. At higher resolution the CPU is LESS important. So in the resolution where clockspeed is absolutely key.... the 7700k loses at stock to chips with a 1GHZ lower base clock? You understand Broadwell-e has significantly lower stock clocks than a 1700x/1800x? A few of those tests specifically show a lead for more cores at 720p but almost no difference at 1080p, and you'd get even less difference at higher resolutions.

CPU testing has always shown very low resolutions because that is where the CPU difference is shown, if there is any difference. If a 3.2Ghz 10 core is beating a 7700k at 4.3Ghz(what both can likely do with multiple cores loaded), what do you think the result would be at 4.2Ghz on the 10 core and 5Ghz on the 7700k? You think the 7700k will pull a lead with a smaller percentage clock speed gain, less than 20% for the 7700k vs just over 30% for the 6950k?
7600K vs Ryzen. Would be a better gaming comparison :)

Why? Which chips cost similar amounts, 8 core Zen's and 7700k or a 7600k. Which is better value, does the 7600k have better IPC magically?

Again the benchmarks show the 7700k getting beat in say 80% of tests by a 6 core Broadwell-e, you don't think the 6 core Zen with higher clocks will beat the 7600k? Even though the 6 core Zen is very likely to beat the 6 core Broadwell-e, which beats the 7700k in modern games? While costing less than the 7600k?

If you want a pure gaming chip, the cheaper 6 core zen will beat the 7700k in modern games, let alone the 7600k. If you want a fast chip for things other than just gaming, but want it to also perform in gaming, again a Zen is going to win here, it will TRASH the 7600/7700k in other multicore usage situations and it will beat those in most new games.

Currently the only time 7600/7700k wins is if you actually have to have an igpu. Even then, if you're talking HTPC or something if you have even one pci-e slot on a itx mobo, then a passive low end gpu will pretty much match the performance and given cost differences, likely end up cheaper going 6 core zen + a £40-50 low end gpu. If you spend likely a little more you could get a 1050ti/RX 460 with a 6 core to go along with it and not be far ahead of a 7600k in cost.
So basically buy whatever works out cheaper and it won't really even matter.

Will like to see real benchmarks soon.
Real games real res
I don't think there will be anything in it.
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