A few interesting bits from the thread i posted about earlier
im assuming you have the powertune slider set at 20%. it really just comes down to the silicon. i know that a lame reason but it difficult to say what could help you over that hurdle. is your stock voltage set at 1175? if so, on bios 1, the max u can set it to is 1.3v. If you want to experiment a bit, lower your clock to 1125, pull the voltage to 1.3, and see what happens, if its stable, slowly raise your clocks until you see artifacts again (without burning your card).
The reason i say max out the voltage is because there is a wall you will hit that you can get over sometimes. yours seems to be 1.22v and what i have seen is it may not work from lets say 1.22 to 1.25 but then 1.255 works like a charm.
o ok that makes sense actually. if ur chip is 1.12v stock, then your max theoretical is 1.27v on bios one (the bios itself is locked to .125mv over voltage from your stock voltage). and if you look at your afterburner voltage when running a game or benchmark, you will notice it compensates for vdroop by .012v. so, when you have your voltage set to 1.22 your actual voltage is 1.232 which is right up on your max allowed voltage on bios one. So what i am assuming is happening is your hitting the bios's voltage limit it and may be throttling you or somthing. I dont know exactly what the bios does when hitting this limit, but it must be locking you down when you hit or go over it. The ln2 switch wont hurt anything, all it does is release these thresh holds and allow you not to get slammed by your voltage limit.