blue screen again today :( memtest isn't showing errors but prime is quite quickly when i tried it twice in a row. need to get it replaced me thinks.

blue screen again today :( memtest isn't showing errors but prime is quite quickly when i tried it twice in a row. need to get it replaced me thinks.

Unlucky man. Thought you had it fixed. Hopefully the replacement works. Let us know how it goes.
Unlucky man. Thought you had it fixed. Hopefully the replacement works. Let us know how it goes.

yeah bit of a bummer, glad i didn't sell my other ram it replaced could've been a disaster. sent a webnote to get the ball rolling heres hoping the next lot is working properly.
replacement ram sent this afternoon (arrives on the 30th) so am guessing ocuk had the errors when testing. just got really unlucky unfortunately.

just realised i've kept this thread going with my ram saga :D
So, my experience with Memtest has been a roller coaster ... and that's not saying that was exciting in a good sense.

I got the Xtreem 8Pack 4500 and was hoping to get some stable 3733 14-14-14-28 timings on it ... and oh boy ... how wrong was I :)

At those timings, Memtest said that everything was peachy ... 300+% coverage, no errors ... Even Prime95 large FFTs were ok ...

I started playing some games and I got instant reboots ...
Tried CB20 and 4 out of 10 test would give me errors ...

Run Prime95 Blend and workers would stop ...

So my question is ... how stable are some OCs I see on some youtube videos and so on ... They pass, Windows performs ok, but as soon as you start stressing CPU, IMC, and Memory, things break :(

So, right now, I'm at 3733 14-16-16-32 ... no crashes yet ... let us see.

Oh... right, something I forgot ... Dram Calculator did nothing for me :D I already identified that some of the secondary and tertiary timings are the ones causing the instabilities, and those were almost a copy-paste from Dram Calculator ... so for now, i just hard typed the default values and will change 1 by 1 and tryout with Prime95 Blend and Gaming ... it will take ages but at least it will keep me engaged on this memory OC and learning more and more :)
this is the replacement ram. that is it at 2400 not even xmp. time to put my crucial ram back in :(

bad batch? @Gibbo

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am gutted mate. gonna start another rma. don't think i want another set if am honest. kinda lost all confidence in it.
Yeah ... i'm not having the best experiences ever with mine, although a little different from yours ( the 4500 set ).

Was this the Xtreem or the Dark ?
that new large 300w TDP Zalman double fan air cooler

should be OK with these 8 pack RAM as the cooler has 47mm tall RAM clearance (you need to move a fan up a bit) and the 8 Pack RAM is about 46mm high).

jesus i would never put that in my system it looks dreadfull as hell and leds all over it and none standard fansand looks like somthing from the xmen movies, lol no thanks

and the noctua

The NH-D15 provides 64mm clearance for tall memory heatsinks in single fan mode
In dual fan mode, the NH-D15 should be used with standard height RAM (up to 32mm).

Also since zalman is 5mm higher add that to the 32mm so thast 37mm in dual fan mode as it will take the 165 noctua to 170mm when you move the front fan up, but if you use 8pack in dual fan mode it would be 178mm high when you move the front fan up and would be 8mm higher than the zalman but that depends on your case.

but some people might like it
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So, my experience with Memtest has been a roller coaster ... and that's not saying that was exciting in a good sense.

I got the Xtreem 8Pack 4500 and was hoping to get some stable 3733 14-14-14-28 timings on it ... and oh boy ... how wrong was I :)

At those timings, Memtest said that everything was peachy ... 300+% coverage, no errors ... Even Prime95 large FFTs were ok ...

I started playing some games and I got instant reboots ...
Tried CB20 and 4 out of 10 test would give me errors ...

Run Prime95 Blend and workers would stop ...

So my question is ... how stable are some OCs I see on some youtube videos and so on ... They pass, Windows performs ok, but as soon as you start stressing CPU, IMC, and Memory, things break :(

So, right now, I'm at 3733 14-16-16-32 ... no crashes yet ... let us see.

Oh... right, something I forgot ... Dram Calculator did nothing for me :D I already identified that some of the secondary and tertiary timings are the ones causing the instabilities, and those were almost a copy-paste from Dram Calculator ... so for now, i just hard typed the default values and will change 1 by 1 and tryout with Prime95 Blend and Gaming ... it will take ages but at least it will keep me engaged on this memory OC and learning more and more :)

This is because stress tests only single out one particular area and stress it exclusively. Like say IMC or memory or cpu cache etc... it's when you do something that stresses up the whole system like playing a game that things start to show how stable they really are.
jesus i would never put that in my system it looks dreadfull as hell and leds all over it and none standard fansand looks like somthing from the xmen movies, lol no thanks

and the noctua

The NH-D15 provides 64mm clearance for tall memory heatsinks in single fan mode
In dual fan mode, the NH-D15 should be used with standard height RAM (up to 32mm).

Also since zalman is 5mm higher add that to the 32mm so thast 37mm in dual fan mode as it will take the 165 noctua to 170mm when you move the front fan up, but if you use 8pack in dual fan mode it would be 178mm high when you move the front fan up and would be 8mm higher than the zalman but that depends on your case.

but some people might like it
the zalman is a cheaper cooler - my point is that the 8 pack RAM should fit with it
Any Advice on running 4 x 8GB (32GB) 3200Mhz versions of these at 3600 or 3733. I have tried safe & fast preset's via dram calculator but they aren't stable. Will we be getting a new version of that software ? Any Help Appreciated. this is on a 3700x & MSI B450 Mortar?
plenty of ram clearance with the NH-d15 and 8pack ram, you can even take it in and out without removing the HS, so i thought i would post just in case others need a look


i still have not powered it up yet as i had to go out, poop
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