8Pack takes out the Global Vantage world record with the best Vantage score ever seen on the bot!!

I love how most of the top 10 are rocking dual Titans then 8pack walks in with some crazy clocked 780's and smashes them out the park
No rules!!!

Three and four 780 are coming man. Not sure if in Vantage 4 will be efficient at all. I think three at around 1700 will do ok though. 4 is for FSX, FS and 11. They are all coming believe me!!!

Thanks for comments guys.
Just did it whilst "waiting for a mate" will be his next one :) Gratz on the world record keep going for more i love to see the absolute limits pushed again and again
Thanks for all the comments guys!! I have some more records up my sleeve for you all too.
"8pack takes out uk government and runs for prime minister declaring all enthusiast pc equipment TAX FREE!"
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