8Packs Bday competition, prize give away.

ok in your interview with kitguru you said you were benching about 185 when in training @ 8-10 reps and 140 now your not, so....

140 bench
115 incline (approx. 80% of your bench weight)
and I could be wrong but I think barbell row is usually similar to your bench so I'll stick with 140 again

so 395 in total

happy belated birthday dude
Is that with good form and proper reps or just typical bro partial reps ;)

Bench you should be able to do around 150kg.
Incline 120kg
BORs 110kg

Total: 380kg

I'd like video evidence!

Would have been more interesting to do deadlifts and squats - bench is for pussies ;)
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Happy Birthday 8pack
Guessing your around 14-15 stone (85-95kg)?

So flat bench - 140kg
Barbell row - 160kg
incline bench - 120kg (normally 80-90% of flat)

so totaling up at 420kg
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