8Packs Bday competition, prize give away.

You thought the sum of his 6-8 rep max for flat bench, row and incline bench would come out at around 600kg?
If we we're talking a bench, squat, dead total then I could see where you were coming from but right now I don't have a clue what you're on about.

What does HITT even mean? Did you mean HIT? or maybe HIIT although I don't know anyone who would quote weights lifted in a HIIT complex unless specifically talking about them.


He did say Barbell. There was no mention of Dumbell. Also i think the picture on the front page i may have taken into consideration at the time so why are two 50's on each side of a barbell plus the bar at 20 such a big deal?

Do you even lift?
got the corsair rm 650 installed and i would highly recommend it to anyone wanting fully modular and gold certified and quiet!!!!! i cant seem to make the fan spin even playing bf4 :p the psu doesnt get hot at all!
very nice psu guys and well worth what it costs plus it has a 5yr warranty on it, check out some reviews online if you dont believe me :p
thanx again
The BeQuiet powerzone 850 PSU is very nice.

I've always gone with corsair PSU's so seeing something different is a good surprise. Will get round to braiding it's cables and using it in my next iteration of my WC build.
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