9/11 15 Year Anniversary

What might amaze you more is that a lot of people in the UK now aren't related to those who created and ran the British Empire. My grandparents, for example, came from Eastern Europe and so I have no guilt associated with what the British did before my ancestors even set foot in this country.

What I can relate to, as I saw it on TV growing up, was the IRA bombing campaign and especially the atrocity that was the Warrington bomb attacks.

The point of this thread is the 9/11 anniversary and my thoughts are that it helped to put a stop to any further IRA terrorism due to the change in American perception. How this affected the Loyalist paramilitaries I don't know; I imagine they would be deterred from further violence due to the terrorism label but the effect on the IRA would have been much greater.

None of that amazes me, obviously your perspective is fueled by your environment and that's what shapes you and has you form opinions about things.

At the point 9/11 happened the IRA were already almost 4 years into a ceasefire, was only a few more years before the weapons were decommissioned which were catalogued and witnessed being destroyed. Whereas with loyalists they essentially kept their weapons but said they were "put beyond use", and that was accepted.

But even back then the big thing was the IRA had to decommission and it was rarely ever brought up for loyalist groups. Only a few years after the IRA had done it was it an issue for loyalists.

Whether 9/11 had any impact on this I've no idea, and i doubt anyone outside of the groups had any idea either.

Anyway, lets get back on track with the 9/11 thread.
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I don't think we''ll ever really know what happened in the lead up to 9/11. It seems inconceivable to me that the U.S. government knew nothing of what was about to happen, but it also seems inconceivable to me that neither Chelsea Manning, or Ed Snowdon provided any evidence to siggestvthd US government instigated the whole thing.

It's also difficult to believe that Bin Laden and Al-Quidea had the infrastructure and skills to carry out such an audacious plan so successfully,

Personally I believe that the U.S. knew about it, thought it likely to fail with the loss of a few hundred lives and considered that acceptable in the pursuit of war in the Middle East. Either that or thd U.S. government was criminally negligent...
Probably because there is no evidence that the US government or Mossad was involved. None of the conspiracies stand up to even basic scrutiny. As for Al Qaeda having the infrastructure to carry out the attacks, they had a safe haven in Afghanistan to plan this for as long as they liked because they were in bed with the Taliban government.
Flying planes into buildings I don't think was something that anyone considered as a serious threat and it was actually quite easy to do, the only really difficult part would've been learning to fly and doing that is not illegal.

The reason people keep coming up with theories as to what happened is down to narrative, some simply will not believe that it happened the way it did and because it doesn't fit their narrative they look for anomalies and build the conspiracy from there.
It may be inconceivable to you that the US government didn't know what was going on, but that's because it doesn't fit your narrative.
I work for a government agency and believe me when I say you could fill volumes with what we don't know but probably should've done in hindsight.

Besides which, if Bill Clinton couldn't keep oral sex in his own office quiet how the hell does the entire government keep schtum when there would need to be literally thousands involved in the secret.
Should have kept this thread to be just about the 9/11 Anniversary and not about the conspiracy stuff....a kind of respect sorta thing.
I agree, thing is that something of this magnitude on a forum always gets bogged down with conspiracies. The anniversary or the moon landings or anything similar event would go the same way.
Personally I believe that the U.S. knew about it, thought it likely to fail with the loss of a few hundred lives and considered that acceptable in the pursuit of war in the Middle East. Either that or thd U.S. government was criminally negligent...


Look, il post it again....

"gee, i hope this had nothing to do with the guys in the flight schools in the midwest" :( :mad:

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Sorry for the Necro but this is first actual 9/11 I could find, just got done watching a couple documentaries that I hadn't seen before and thought they were worthy of sharing

Is particularly interesting as it portrays the lives of those in the WTC during the plane crash and subsequent collapse, it's really well done

Details the initial aftermath of trying to rescue those trapped which as we now know turned into recovery of the dead or at least parts of them that weren't pulverised by the falling towers

Hard to believe we're almost at 20 years since this happened
I was 9 at the time and if I'm completely honest I don't remember a single thing about that day. Unsure as to whether I simply chose to forget or what

7/7 however, the moment I heard about that is burnt into my memory
It highlights just how much the left have lost touch with reality, they have been comparing their largely media manufactured Capitol Hill "insurrection" to 9/11.
It highlights just how much the left have lost touch with reality, they have been comparing their largely media manufactured Capitol Hill "insurrection" to 9/11.
The fuss being made over that incident is incredible. I saw footage and it's the tamest thing ever.
A guy walks in and shouts something like "hey guys how's things", a guy slumps against a plinth and says "man I think I got shot. Hey don't touch anything" and a security guy asks them politely to leave and they agree to momentarily. Like HOLY HELL that's TERRIFYING right? Nah

They act like they care so much about the desecration of the sanctity of their seat of politics but any and every other moment they decry it vehemently. Even the poor little congressmen and senators were calling for this sort of thing not all that long ago. They claim Trump incited it with his magic veiled words, meanwhile AOC told protesters to break in in no uncertain language in the past. This time round when someone actually does it she cries and throws a hissy fit because it was so scawee
I think that this will remain in the public consciousness for a very long time for four reasons:
  1. It happened on American soil
  2. It involved Arabs
  3. It was extensively captured on camera
  4. It was an horrific, senseless attack on thousands of innocent people
Tiananmen Square, Tahrir Square and other atrocities will soon be forgotten because they did not directly involve America.
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The American company I worked for at the time had an office on floor 91 in tower 1, everyone in the floor above upwards was trapped and died.

At the time of the attack we all stood around in the UK conference room, in disbelief at what was going on assuming all our friends had just died.

The thought of people you know being killed on TV, not being able to contact any of them and the emotion in that conference room will live with me forever.
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