What might amaze you more is that a lot of people in the UK now aren't related to those who created and ran the British Empire. My grandparents, for example, came from Eastern Europe and so I have no guilt associated with what the British did before my ancestors even set foot in this country.
What I can relate to, as I saw it on TV growing up, was the IRA bombing campaign and especially the atrocity that was the Warrington bomb attacks.
The point of this thread is the 9/11 anniversary and my thoughts are that it helped to put a stop to any further IRA terrorism due to the change in American perception. How this affected the Loyalist paramilitaries I don't know; I imagine they would be deterred from further violence due to the terrorism label but the effect on the IRA would have been much greater.
None of that amazes me, obviously your perspective is fueled by your environment and that's what shapes you and has you form opinions about things.
At the point 9/11 happened the IRA were already almost 4 years into a ceasefire, was only a few more years before the weapons were decommissioned which were catalogued and witnessed being destroyed. Whereas with loyalists they essentially kept their weapons but said they were "put beyond use", and that was accepted.
But even back then the big thing was the IRA had to decommission and it was rarely ever brought up for loyalist groups. Only a few years after the IRA had done it was it an issue for loyalists.
Whether 9/11 had any impact on this I've no idea, and i doubt anyone outside of the groups had any idea either.
Anyway, lets get back on track with the 9/11 thread.
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