A board to power the FX-9590!

Well judging by this release, it might not be that realistic because to me it looks like they have given up. This is a guarentee that Steamroller is going to be hopeless as well. They wouldn't release a CPU for £150 - £180 which is better than their £700 flagship a few months, or even a year afterwards would they?

Entirely possible. Richland has only really just come to market, Kaveri (likely to bury Trinity/Richland) is just around the proverbial corner. In the past there were TWKR PII quad cores given out to overclockers and tech sites, only to be usurped by Thuban, an extra two cores and solid overclocking potential.

Also Titan-GTX780. How many saw that happening when they parted with best part of £1k? :D

There is a reason why AMD did not send these chips out for review, that being Intel. Embarrassing TBH.

Embarrassing for a company to sell a product? No, come on. Embarrassing to buy I'd agree
Just boycott AMD! Oh wait.
Also, calm down, it's not compulsory for you to make all the decisions in the CPU buying world.
Reading your replies you sound like you're going to go on a crusade and change how they run things. Like as if it's going to make a difference.

Crucify someone that buys something without your approval, budget or not. Policing people on how they should think.

Its more the fact that those who are inexperienced but have a-lot of money to blow on a computer, may well go for this CPU without realising how much more they could get for the same money.

If for whatever reason someone wants to buy one whilst aware that they are buying a vastly inferior setup for the same money, simply because they want to, than that is entirely their decision.

If I had the power, I would 'go on a crusade and change how they run things' but I don't. This has just well and truly rattled my cage because of how inconceivably ridiculous the pricing is.

I'll leave now and do something more relaxing. Like beat my AMD laptop to death with a hammer. (just kidding :p)
Heh, feels like that episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where Hank blows up fireworks to feel so good. Some peoples bottled up anger can be so strangely amusing.
Not hating on AMD in any way but this is a genuine question:
Is this just an overclocked 8350? If so, no way is it worth the £540 premium.
Throw a loop on the 8350 and get yourself to 4.8-5.0.
Not hating on AMD in any way but this is a genuine question:
Is this just an overclocked 8350? If so, no way is it worth the £540 premium.
Throw a loop on the 8350 and get yourself to 4.8-5.0.

Pretty much. There is talk that the resonate clock mesh technology has been tweaked somewhat in preparation for higher clocked stock chips in the future. 5GHz could well be the new general FX stock clock
Well judging by this release, it might not be that realistic because to me it looks like they have given up. This is a guarentee that Steamroller is going to be hopeless as well. They wouldn't release a CPU for £150 - £180 which is better than their £700 flagship a few months, or even a year afterwards would they?

hmm.. This is actually a very good, but sad and depressing point. Hope your wrong though!
This board itself is great - the more high end FX boards the better. I wish there were some micro ATX ones.

If someone wants to spend this on an AMD CPU then who cares if they're happy with it. I'd imagine that most people spending this amount would have done a little research first. It's not like the CPU is terrible, it's just very poor value.
I assume this'll take you're run of the mill piledrivers aswell?

motherboard pricing, i'm ok with simply because i'm of the school that if possible the mobo should cost near the same as the cpu, unless ofc that's not possible in which case just go for the best.

the 9590, well it's not like anyone's being forced to buy it is there? it is what it is: a chip for overclockers. it's not a chip your regular joe would buy, especially considering your regular joe would either go intel/just get the cheaper 8320/8350 and clock it up.
This is overclockers, we push the best of any brand no matter if their is better out their by another brand. if you want value then there are other companies that would jump on the dual core celeron wagon at £30 as their simply isnt anything with more bang per buck really.

Ferrari £200k
Supercharged 350Z £20k

Probably both as fast as each other but we all know we would go for the Ferrari just so you can say "I have a ferrari"

It may not represent good value but it certainly does represent what this community is made up of and thats the best that is on offer regardless of cost in some cases.

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