A Clockwork Orange - Anyone Seen It?

In comparison to whats seen in violent films nowadays, its quite tame really, but when it first came out, it was shockingly graphic and was banned by the director in case it incited copycat violence. Deffo worth seeing though.
Very good film, very moving and I like the way that the focus progresses on one central character, although I wouldn't say desperately disturbing, but a worthwile watch :)
Fantastic movie, certainly in my top 5. The content could be described as 'disturbing', but I didn't find it disturbing to watch, if you catch my drift.

Well worth your time:)
I read the novel before I saw the film and it was one of the rare occasions where the latter betters the former. Hilarious in parts and very thought provoking, some would say it's disturbing but it's never gratuitous. A classic.
I've only seen the singing in the rain scene and all I can say is it's very shocking when you take a step back because there are some bit's which are in there for 'emotional relief' sorta speak.
dmpoole said:
I saw it when it was first released.
It was rubbish then and its still rubbish now.

For Truth. Heard me Ma and step dad talking about this when i was a Kiddy. Finally saw it years later. Absolute Rubbish.
Stupid Mumbo jumbo langauge hideously Bad effects. The Ultra Violence isn't even Ultra.
I think its Weak in Every apsect. Even the Music is Carp. Who the **** is Beethoven anyways. :p
Utter Carp.
The first time I watched it I thought it was good, odd, funny, and you kind of firstly hate the main character at the beginning, and towards the end you feel really sorry for him!
The soundtrack is abit tacky, but i think that adds to the eeriness!

Its on the same wavelength as the wickerman, with its oddness and sexual references!
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