A Clockwork Orange - Anyone Seen It?

malc30 said:
Stupid Mumbo jumbo langauge
I don't think you really get the film, do you?
hideously Bad effects
It was made in 1971, and where are the need for effects? The only ones I can think of is when they are in their car when it's an obvious blue / green screen, and when he jumps out the window, which was when they dropped the camera out.
The Ultra Violence isn't even Ultra.
It was for 1971
I think its Weak in Every apsect. Even the Music is Carp.
The soundtrack was the first use of a vocoder in a recorded work, it's a groundbreaking soundtrack, and one of the first times the soundtrack was used as part of the story. This idea was used to great effect by Walter Murch in films like "Apocalypse Now". Weak in every aspect? Give me a break. If only every film released today took as much time to introduce the viewer to something new, and proved how much the director cared about it.
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malc30 said:
For Truth. Heard me Ma and step dad talking about this when i was a Kiddy. Finally saw it years later. Absolute Rubbish.
Stupid Mumbo jumbo langauge hideously Bad effects. The Ultra Violence isn't even Ultra.
I think its Weak in Every apsect. Even the Music is Carp. Who the **** is Beethoven anyways. :p
Utter Carp.

Caged is correct, you really didnt "get" this film did you?

Like many of the above posters, this film is in my top 5. Amazing film, and im desperate to read the book! Might have to look on the good old webnet for it.
You want disturbing take a visit to read me

This movie on the other hand, from what I've seen of it, is just built on hype surrounding the directors decision to "ban" it.

Far better things to watch in today's cinema.
Lord Pablo said:
Caged is correct, you really didnt "get" this film did you?

I did - I was there.
I was 'lucky' to get in a cinema when it came out and thought it was garbish.
What was even dafter was some of my friends started to dress like that and listened to Beethoven for a while so they were obviously influenced.
Rubbish is rubbish no matter when you watch it.
Why do you feel the need to Quote me.
Its my opinion and posted in clear Black and White.
What makes me laugh is the Snobbery around the Phrase " You Really didn't get this film did you " As if you are in some Superior Club of Knowledgable film Buffs. OMG PMSFL. Its Carp. The car scene is laughable.
And you say the viloence but its 1971. What a Joke was there not ultra violence in 1971 is that what you think.
I get it all right i get the fact that i think its Carp. McDowell as a gang Leader PMSL.
The only thing thats Hard about the Film is where its set. Harlow Old Town is well Hard.

You should also try to remember that this ios not a competition but a way we can voice OUR OWN OPINIONS.
SO Yes i have seen CO and Yes i think its UTTER TRIPE. Now Pick that to pieces.
I've only seen it once and after the hype I'd heard about it I'm afraid to say I was a bit underwhelmed, it is a good film but I don't think it really lives up to all I'd heard about it. However while the violence may not be all that graphic especially compared to some of todays standards one of the reasons it may have been banned is the fairly casual way that it is perpetrated and the fear of people replicating this.
It was never "banned", Kubrick withdrew it from circulation after it was implicated in some copycat violent attacks. The BBFC had nothing to do with this.

I like it as a film, it's very dated but that's half the appeal.

Nadsat 4tw! Eggywegs and lomtiks of toast.
To clarify the 'banned' thing. Kubrick withdrew it from circulation in the UK only after, allegedly, receiving death threats. He asked for it to be re-released upon his death, which happened in 1999.

I can see why some think the film is crap. After being used to massive production values, sitting through an old film that was done on the cheap and in a very short space of time could be a bit tiresome. But the fact remains, the film is about more than special effects and violence, and if you think the film is tripe because of those elements then you have indeed missed the point and no, you don't get it.

edit:^beaten, that's what I get for dawdling.
a very good film ..very odd and yerh very disturbing.... its an ok movie and i must say way ahead of its time it seems more of a gore movie that would be released to combat "saw and Saw2"
for the banning thing, i thought kubrick wanted it banned in the uk, purely because he thought british audience would find sympathy with mcdowell and possibly look up to him
What a Laugh.
Instead of just saying Eeeerrrrrrrrrrrr You Dont get it Do you. Why dont you try explaining what you think is actually good about it. All of you have just pointed the finger at me with repetition rather than strenthen your arguments with any substance.
If you think there is a point i have missed then try stating it rather than silly little one liners.
Try educating us to why this is a good film rather than dealing out standard non informative one liners.
It's interesting that you're picking at the apparent weakness of my argument.
malc30 said:
"OMG PMSFL. Its Carp."

Listen, if I thought it would make a blind bit of difference, I'd tell you what I think makes the film a classic. I just have this hunch that you've made up your mind already. You're hardly going to go and rent it just because someone gives you their perpsective, are you?
Can you read? You ask why I quote you when it's obvious, then try to get me to explain stuff which I already said in my reply to your original post. You went on about why it was an awful film, and I countered your arguments. If you want to read that to get the answers you are looking for, be my guest.

A Clockwork Orange is a film which paints a scary view of what future society could turn into if nobody respects law and order and is purely out for their own personal gain. People don't feel safe in their own homes, and certainly don't venture out of them where possible, this can be seen in practically every outdoor scene - the place is deserted. It then shows the extreme measures a government faced with these issues would be prepared to go to to bring society back from the gutter.

The scare factor in the film is that everything portrayed in it is far fetched enough to make the viewer dread that sort of situation, but not far fetched enough to convince them that it couldn't happen, and the everyday locations in which this happens do a lot to reinforce this view. The language and dress of the main characters do enough to remove them just far enough from reality to stop the film seeming too realistic, ultimately leaving the final decision as to whether it is a prediction of the future or not up to the viewer. The film requires thought to be applied to it when viewing, which may be why you don't like it as much as Blockbuster GunFest #54.

What did you think the film was about?
Caged said:
The film requires thought to be applied to it when viewing, which may be why you don't like it as much as Blockbuster GunFest #54.

What did you think the film was about?

Not surprising you resort to Insults.
Any Fool can Google mate.
OP asked Anyone seen it. My Answer Yes. My Opinion its Tripe.
Not Rocket science is it.
malc30 said:
Not surprising you resort to Insults.
Any Fool can Google mate.
OP asked Anyone seen it. My Answer Yes. My Opinion its Tripe.
Not Rocket science is it.

I never said it was rocket science, you decided to take a pretty hard view against the film and I just gave you reasons why it wasn't what you thought it was. It's obvious you haven't 'got' it, and I was explaining bits to you, next time you watch it you might understand it.

I don't have an issue with you disliking it, but when you don't have a better reason other than "coz i don't" or your reasons are just plain wrong, well I can't help thinking you don't like it for the wrong reasons.

And what's Google got to do with it?

Where were my insults that I resorted to?
I thought it was a reasonable film but nothing special and not overly disturbing (to me, viewing circa 2001).

Kubrick has done better both before and since, in the guise of Dr Strangelove and Full Metal Jacket.
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