A Clockwork Orange - Anyone Seen It?

Caged said:
I never said it was rocket science, you decided to take a pretty hard view against the film and I just gave you reasons why it wasn't what you thought it was. It's obvious you haven't 'got' it, and I was explaining bits to you, next time you watch it you might understand it.

Its irrellevant whether you think its great or not.

Malc's opinion is- It sucks.
It doesnt matter if deep down, its got the meaning of life the universe and everything encoded in the funny lingo they talk in, he thinks its toss.

There is no need to go this stupid bloody rigmarole everytime someone does not like something, no somone is not mistaken if they dont like something, they dont like it, END OF STORY.
Stone Me There is actually someone that gets what having your OWN opinion is all about.
atpbx i Bow down to you mate you have restored my faith in Individual thought.
I thank you Muchly. Lol.
malc30 said:
Stone Me There is actually someone that gets what having your OWN opinion is all about.
atpbx i Bow down to you mate you have restored my faith in Individual thought.
I thank you Muchly. Lol.

I find it Quite hard to read YOUR posts beCAuse of The random Capitals. Every time I see It, I get CONFused. Why Do yoU do IT?
Quite enjoyed it myself. Interesting to watch if you went to Leeds University too, as parts of it were filmed on Campus. Says a lot for the architectural elegance of leeds uni considering the films subject matter!
fus said:
I find it Quite hard to read YOUR posts beCAuse of The random Capitals. Every time I see It, I get CONFused. Why Do yoU do IT?

Then use the Block option then you won't have to read them will you.

Look again at your quote. They are not random at all i emphasise OWN for a reason as peeps on here find it hard to allow others there own opinion.
The way you quote is pathetic and WRONG. Get a life and try to CONTRIBUTE to threads rather than just attack posters.
With Kubrick, I always enjoy discussing his films more than watching them. The pace of them is very different to today's films.

A clcokwork orange I enjoyed a lot as a movie, but I found the social comment it was making far more interesting, and that's why I would rate it in my top 20 movies, since the message supercedes the film. Equally I loved Full Metal Jacket.

But Kubrick nailed it with 2001: A space odyssey. Neither before or since has a film ever captured the feel of space like that film. The use of lighting and sound in that film was just perfect....space is a silent, empty void - not that you'd know it with films like armaggeddon and even Apollo 13. Brilliant, brilliant film.

In case you couldn't tell, I LOVE kubrick films!
Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange is not a masterpiece when compared with his other work. I saw it on Channel 4 a couple of years ago and it was shocking but look so dated now. You can't beat 2001 & Dr Strangelove, these being my own personal favourites.

Although I liked the lingo used by McDowell in Orange (I felt a right pain in me gulliver). Also the use of Walter/Wendy Carlos' electronic score made it more disturbing. The Karova Milk Bar scene is quite memorable.
its a pity he never explains why its called clcokwork orange. Unless you've read the book it just sounds random, and it certainly isnt!
hogfather said:
its a pity he never explains why its called clcokwork orange. Unless you've read the book it just sounds random, and it certainly isnt!

He loved the old cockney saying "Queer as a clockwork orange" and wanted to use it as a book title one day. 'Orang' is Malay for 'man', and by the end of the book/film Alex has basically become a clockwork man.

edit: re-reading you post, it appears you weren't asking what it means. :o
malc30 said:
Then use the Block option then you won't have to read them will you.

Look again at your quote. They are not random at all i emphasise OWN for a reason as peeps on here find it hard to allow others there own opinion.
The way you quote is pathetic and WRONG. Get a life and try to CONTRIBUTE to threads rather than just attack posters.

Actually, I agree with the capitalisation of the word 'OWN',(ish...) but, alas, I see no reason for the capitalisation of 'Bow down', 'Stone me' and 'Muchly'. If this is for emphasis, then please excuse me.

Secondly, I have to agree with the post made by Tru, which was along the lines of not debating with you as you have made up you mind. Clockwork Orange is an AMAZING (fear the emphasis!) film, but it's a thinking mans film (not saying you're not a thinking man) and if you don't 'get' it, then yes it is carp (sic) but it is on no level a 'bad film'.

Anyway, i'll continue to read your posts, but will not bite again. I feel that you will not be taken seriously, and that your posts will be ignored as whenever someone tries to debate with you, you take it as a personal insult and become defensive about been quoted.
The movie's worth viewing just to see Darth Vader carry an old man around 12 years before he threw the Emperor into the Abyss. :D

I loved the film. Have seen it 20+ times and catch on to more and more each time. The cross between British and Russian slang used throughout the film is interesting enough. You have to love the garb they're wearing, also. :)
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