Nice build but I would say, seagate drives in raid are generally kinda problematic. You might have been better with some western RE4's. With the cache infront it's not as if you'll notice the speed so much (if I understand how you have your raid configured. You went Revo as boot/sys and the 256MB SSD as the cache for the raid right?). Either way, I'd have gone with a greater number of RE4's or throw constellation's at it as you've already spent so much.
The other thing - why raid 10? With the drives you have, going raid 5 would have given better speed with a similar level of redundancy. If you want to go raid 10 there's no real reason to throw a £430 raid card at it unless it's just to be smug. You'd get another 60-100MB/sec out of the drives in raid 5 if the cards worth it's salt with no real loss in redundancy (raid 10 wastes half the capacity of the drives. Yes it can suffer a second drive failure but only if you're lucky with which 2nd drive fails - which is half the point of a raid in the first place, increasing your time to work against bad luck. Raid-5 would provide a speed boost and would also be able to suffer a drive failure without loosing data).
The rest of the hardware's very good but the storage setup has me a little baffled to say the least.
If needed i'll happily get my raid properly back on it's feet and show what I mean from the benchies. Mines on a £70 hardware raid card that needed modding to get it working on a regular pc...
There's a lot of good bits on this build but it does look to be a bit of a "money no object" style effort with cash thrown at parts assuming big wad spent would mean better performance rather than something with properly considered purchases, especially so when your most expensive part is ALMOST window dressing.
Now, i've made similar mistakes with "silly" builds (Scsi U2W in a home PC when it was the mutts nuts, had 2k budget for the build) but not for at least 10 years. I'm NOT hating either, I don't want this to be dismissed as troll bait or something, just pointing out some bits that could have been done better considering all the money spent.