A friend and the cat.

We used to have outdoor cats - they had a shed that they had access to if they ever wanted shelter and we decked it out with carpets, shelves, climbing posts etc. They always seemed very happy.

As long as your cat has somewhere warm and dry to sleep tell your mate to do one.
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Take it to a shelter, theres plenty of charities about, someone somewhere is going to want to actually put effort into caring for it and loving it, which by the sounds of it your not doing now you have a kid.

Its a common thing, i recently got a cat from a charity and it was amazing the amount of cats in there who had been put in when folk had had kids.

Also, if its widdling why on earth do you think the kitchen is a safer place for it to widdle than the living room!?
Jesus, I can only imagine what will happen when you guys have a second kid, wife says first kid gets to go in the kitchen or outside, the cat gets pushed further, outside or leave.

When the second kid comes along, the first kid will play up because he'll go from 100% of the attention to 10% of the attention. He'll be frustrated, not understand why his life and home have changed, why his mum is spending most time with his sibling and act out.

Cat's are in effect no different. You turned it's life upside down and it has no clue why and it's gone from being treated like a family member to being treated like a nuisance. Actually spend time with the cat, spend time around mum and baby and get used to being at home. Cat's peeing in the house do so because they are stressed, new house, new kid and being ignored are all stressful. Make the cat feel at home, let the cat feel part of the family and it will stop being a problem.
Not really a comparison, your house is neither on fire nor are you forced between to choose the kid or the cat. The cat is not endangering the child, you only have listed the child as a reason for using interest (reason is not an excuse).

Your choice essentially breaks down to this:

You are in a normal building which is not on fire. The cat that your wife took responsibility for is stressed out and likely does not get any attention as interest has been lost. As a result of whatever distress your cat is under, it pees on the matt at night.

1. You can choose to keep the cat that your wife took responsibility for and spend a little effort accommodating it with a cat flap, relaxing feline spray, lil bit of attention and let it get use to the house.

2. You can choose to rehouse the cat, although it will likely stress it out some more

3. Lock it in the kitchen with a cat flap, which is cruel considering what it has been use to so far in its life

4.lock it outside which is incredibly cruel.

I really don't understand how any pet owner can choose any option but 1, especially if they have had the cat for years.

This is the problem with the human race sadly.
Its a common thing, i recently got a cat from a charity and it was amazing the amount of cats in there who had been put in when folk had had kids.

I suspect that there are a significant number of people who still fear that Cats can kill Babies by sitting on their faces and suffocating them
Shame your misses is nuts... our little boy loves our two cats to pieces, all children should grow up around animals, meant to help reduce the likelihood of asthma and other allergies as well.
We got 2 house Rabbits and my girlfriend wanted to move them outside when we got our new house. Her family said the same thing, and also my family. I just said no it's not happening, and that was the end of it.
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