a home workout bargain

29 Oct 2005
Hi guys, I have just started the P90x training programme and found this gem on ebay:

so if anyone is looking to get fit in 90 days with a pre-built plan then you should snap this one up.

Each workout is around 1 hour long and is pretty intensive (especially the cardio ones) but I have been doing it for a week and it feels like it is making a difference.

Also the only equipment you need is:
Resistance tubes / pull up bar
Dumbbells / Resistance tubes
a chair

*Order before 01/11/06 and receive a 200ml tube of Jonny Abs patented overnight 6pack cream*

Serious though, i think these things are just gimmicks, there is no miracle way of getting the perfect physique.
it isn't a gimmick as they say you need a balanced diet etc. it just gives you a set of exercises to perform at home which are all good exercises and that work your body out.

we all know that it takes a lot of work to get a good physique but sometimes we also dont know what exercises to do to help us. i am finding that this gives you lots of exercises and help to become fit.

im not telling you to buy it, but i am just saying if there is someone who cant get to a gym / cant afford it then this is a good alternative and isn't expensive and you can do it at home.

£35 is expensive when you are in fact getting nothing that you cannot find online through your own research. 90days! Good luck with that one, please post the results if you actually buy this crap.
i already have it and it is very good, i couldn't be bothered to look for it all seperately online, and the videos give you good instruction.

i dont know why you guys are being so negative, if you dont want it dont get it, i was just letting people know that it is good if they want to try it.

after only a few days you can already see some results, so it does work.

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There is nothing revolutionary about it, it's all marketing aimed at complete novices who don't know any better. £35 for 13 dvds with no boxes or instructions and you have to pay £5 delivery for Royal mail second class post. I had no idea Royal Mail bumped the prices up that much. :D

Do you honestly think this guy got that ripped in 90 days?


What results have you seen in a few days? :)
no obviously it will take more than 90 days, however in 90 days you will see a decent improvement. after doing this for a week i have already got quite a defined 6 pack and my triceps and thighs are getting stronger too.

all this is is a lot of exercises that you can perform at home, it isnt anything "revolutionary" it is just a good starting point for people like me for whom the gym is too expensive.

the cardio vascular work is also very intensive and they all leave you feeling very worked out at the end of it!!

i don't know how reputable this guy is as i purchased 2nd hand elsewhere, but paypal should cover things.

daven1986 said:
no obviously it will take more than 90 days, however in 90 days you will see a decent improvement. after doing this for a week i have already got quite a defined 6 pack and my triceps and thighs are getting stronger too.

all this is is a lot of exercises that you can perform at home, it isnt anything "revolutionary" it is just a good starting point for people like me for whom the gym is too expensive.

the cardio vascular work is also very intensive and they all leave you feeling very worked out at the end of it!!

i don't know how reputable this guy is as i purchased 2nd hand elsewhere, but paypal should cover things.


Did you have a defined six pack before starting this? I used the term 'revolutionary' because it's the same word used in that auction to describe the dvds.

Do you have a home gym and are you able to do all the exercises?

I'm not having a go at you or anything, I just hate people who sell this crap, everyone is different and will respond differently to exercise. If these dvds have got you motivated to exercise and build muscle then it can only be a good thing. :)

There's plenty of people in here who could help you out with routines or advice without you resorting to spending money.
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no i dont have a home gym, all i have is some resistance bands, a pullup bar and some weights.

i didn't have much of a 6-pack to start with, there was something there but it is noticably stronger.

yeah they have got me motivated (just did the plyometrics section) and will try and see it through the 90 days, hell even if it does nothing it'll still be good for the body!!

yeah i have seen lots of advice given here, just i find it easier to follow a video instruction and it wasn't too expensive so works for me!

I just started this, fourth day today, must say its quite tough when you have been lazy in the exersise department for a few years.
Gonna try and see it through even though I am acheing now.
My ab definition is visible at arouund 15-16%. Clear at 12%. However it's not something I'm overly fussed by. About having perfectly cut and chiseled abs. I don't see the obsession with them. I'd much rather have a functionally strong core and not give a toss what mine look like. Yeah they're nice to look at and mine were developed enough, for me, last time I cut down to 12% body fat with minimal/almost no isolation work.

Just like I'd rather have boulder shoulders or quads of doom!

The obsession with abs is something I associate with teenagers.

Not Ab bashing anyone who has lots of goals one of which is to have visble abs, but anyone that has the sole goal of 'I want to loose my gut and have a six pack' who then spends 5 days a week on the ab craddle and then rolling around on the mats like a retard needs to sort it out imo.
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