a home workout bargain

No it's not my goal at all, they've just come back. And thighs of doom :D.

Like I say I wasn't having a stab at you. Just saying that there are much more rewarding goals to be achieved than having visible abs.

For example big strong legs or shoulders = a 200KG squat or a 100KG military press.

Where as rippling abs achieve? nothing really other than a more pleasing aesthetic.
Ah, you want to look like me. Big squat, strong shoulders, wobbly belly :D


Toight like a toiger.

I've got respectable legs but I'll be damned if I can squat 200KG. Maybe by the end of next year if I work hard. Squat for me is a lift I'm happy with but don't really push myself to improve. Probaly because for me my leg development at the moment is sufficient.

However when I start my strength training again i'll get obsessed with my big 3 total and start pushing again :)

I squatted yesterday for the first time in 6 weeks and am deadlifting again for the first time in about 4 months tomorrow :)

Need to regain my squat form as for some reason I find myself leaning far too foward and ending up with poor drive and back pumps!
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I leg press 455kg (2 reps) and squat 150 (3 reps) and my legs are far from massive.

As for the OP the p90 ab ripper X is part of my core workout and it is actually very good, I havent done anything else of his but my vote is there for ab ripper X.

Dan Dan
I have finally gotten my six pack back, after months of cycling, months of intensive working out, and I'm almost at my race weight now (which I hadn't intended to cut to until ~February). Just takes hard work :).

Race weight? Now Platypus, all you need to do is not fill your bottle up. Or buy that next ££££ wheel set that will shave 2 grams off. :p

Edit - muscle is heavier than fat so have a few beers. It'll make you faster.
My ab definition is visible at arouund 15-16%. Clear at 12%. However it's not something I'm overly fussed by. About having perfectly cut and chiseled abs. I don't see the obsession with them. I'd much rather have a functionally strong core and not give a toss what mine look like. Yeah they're nice to look at and mine were developed enough, for me, last time I cut down to 12% body fat with minimal/almost no isolation work.

Just like I'd rather have boulder shoulders or quads of doom!

The obsession with abs is something I associate with teenagers.

Not Ab bashing anyone who has lots of goals one of which is to have visble abs, but anyone that has the sole goal of 'I want to loose my gut and have a six pack' who then spends 5 days a week on the ab craddle and then rolling around on the mats like a retard needs to sort it out imo.

Amen Bro.

Ah, you want to look like me. Big squat, strong shoulders, wobbly belly :D

We all aspire to be like you Morbs! :D
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