Hmm. Probably should get around to updating this!
Dusty and grimy from the miles I've put on her. And, because old car, this revealed one or two minor weaknesses. A stumble just off idle when matting it (felt almost like the accelerator pump in the carburettor was shot, but we'd already replaced it when we rebuilt the carb), and plugs that were carbon fouling
I'd played with the setup on the carburettor, trying to lean it out some but no dice. Which left the ignition. I mentioned earlier in the thread that, while I'm more than fine sticking with most old car tech, electronic ignition is a real must-have.
So we now have it.
A full distributor from 123 Ignition, made for this application so it has an ignition advance curve in there all ready to go. I've fitted a timing scale hanging off the water pump studs (the factory didn't fit them until into the '70s, they expected you to take the car to a garage if anything went sideways in ignition country...), pratted about finding TDC to make a 0° mark, and then - having waited until the weather was rockingly hot, because I'm clever like that - fitted the new dizzy following the instructions to the letter. Fired it up, and...I wasn't all that happy with it. Didn't feel like it was running all that smoothly, felt a bit reluctant to rev up, just didn't sound quite there. So - and here's how you know what a shining intellect I am - I went back out the next day when it was even hotter and re-did the fitting of it. Again, followed instructions to the letter. Verified my timing marks. Did everything just as before.
Whatever I did wrong, or missed, or got misaligned first time around is definitely sorted
She is running as smooth as buttah, with no off-idle stumble when getting on it.