A little friendship help...

M0T said:
I can't see why he would do it.

He does know what she is like, and he knows that in the past she has told him total lies when he asked her why she did some of the things she did, so I can't believe he would fall for it.

I would suggest expaining to your friend that it is none of his sodding buisness, if he is your friend he will back of, if he likes your sister more for some strange reason then tell him polietly to **** off as he seems willing to fight to stay around your sister.

The guy sounds like he is a bit two faced to be honest. I’m not gay bashing or anything but in my experience gay guys tend to be very two faced and catty, even the ones that everyone thinks are nice. If he tries to threaten you or interfere again I would tell him to back off. Your sister has nothing to do with him and he should respect your wishes.

If all else fails jab the po***er.
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