A Pet Peev

drivers indicating right at a 3 way mini round about despite them going straight ahead!!!!! i often give them a hand signal back!!!
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Some pet peeves from me...

- flaky people, who pull out at short notice
- politics. Why does everything nowadays have to be politicised?
- customers calling tech support and customer support who beat around the bush. Just spit it out!
- buses without the heating on when it's -2C outside, yet is on when it's +18C outside
- the Microsoft Office ribbon, which got introduced in 2007. I still can't get my head around it!

People who use multiple random channels of conversation instead of sticking to e.g. Whatsapp

I have WhatsApp and Signal, but they're largely across 2 groups of people. WhatsApp = family. Signal = friends. Not dictated by me, it's just how it worked out in the end. It's good because if I do a mis-tell, it won't be cross-platform. So chances are I'll be sending the mis-tell to another friend instead of Mum. It's less embarrassing that way!

Peev (or Peeve :D) would be a good name for a pet.

Peeves is also one of the ghosts in Hogwarts :D
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