A Red Rose (sorry only one pic)

13 Jan 2004
South East
I got my tripod and remote shutter today and was really chuffed with it. I went for a Velbon Ultra Luxi F and so far really please. A few niggles about the twist legs but all in all I like it.

Only one shot but I can't be bothered to work on the rest right now. I think I overdid the PP a bit but let me know what you think.

I really like that, great colour and sharpness with the right amount of softness (if you know what I mean!! lol)

very very minor, a few spots on the rose in the top left could be cloned/healed out.
AndyBorzi said:
I really like that, great colour and sharpness with the right amount of softness (if you know what I mean!! lol)

very very minor, a few spots on the rose in the top left could be cloned/healed out.

Cheers dude. I missed those ones. There were a lot of spots on the right hand side which I fixed but I missed the ones on the left :(
Looks lovely. Great shot, somthing that I wish I could achieve. The best bit of the photo I like is the very centre. I love the symetry of the centre of the Rose. Perhaps if you were to crop this a little more and just focus on the centre? I recon that you'd be able to use this for a Website Image, know which ones I mean?


wow thanks guys for all the positive comments.

I haven't even taken the tripod out of the flat (these roses are in a vase in the sitting room) but already I am loving it. You get so much more time to play with settings to get what you want and a longer exposure really makes a difference :)

Thanks again
The_KiD said:
Too much going on at the top in this one, if if was just the big beads of water towards the bottom, then that would be better I think.

Yeah I see what you're saying. I was using this spray can of water which unfortunately gives more like a misty of water, resulting in loads of little beads of water rather than the 1 or 2 big ones I actually wanted.
Great shots. Colour and light in the first one is spot on. The second one is good, but I agree that there are just too many droplets. You could try doing what you have done, but getting some kitchen roll to 'dab' off the droplets you don't want.
both very nice shots, I love the first one. I would agree that the second is too busy though, have you tried using something like an eye dropper to put only a couple of spots of water on?
Cheers dude.

I have done a couple more, sorry it is much of the same thing.
They look much better in PS, but when I upload them they seem darker and not as good :(
Is there any reason to this?

Anyway here they are:



I will probably re-do the PP on these so the colours are more like the first image.
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The first pic is technically good but it does nothing for me, the spiral on its own would work better IMO. The spiral seems to be in the wrong place in the shot to draw me in.

The sharpness and PP are fine but it looks 'wrong' to me.

The water droplet ones look very false, you can tell you have applied the water/wiped water away.

Technically excellent shots but sterile to me, my opinion of course but i think you could make a better shot :)
I really like the first shot.

Nicely judged composition, verges on the abstract, I LOVE the few imperfections that have not been retouched out, they save the whole shot - without them it would have seemed too perfect to be true.

For my taste, the shots with the water drops are too contrived and hackneyed. Perhaps a really tight crop on the last one just on the petal with the water drops on it may be better - the DoF is not deep enough for both the droplets and the centre of the flower.
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