A scottish joke for a sunday

A scottsman was asked if anything was worn under the kilt

Aah no , he replied - its all in good worrrking orrder :p

A scotsmans kilt was blown up in the wind,

Ee jock its gruesome said a passng lady

Weel put yere hand up & it'll gruesome more :D :D
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^^ What I find funny is that you guys make jokes against eachother, it's like a country who's parts make fun of eachother!

Usher said:
A scottsman was asked if anything was worn under the kilt

Aah no , he replied - its all in good worrrking orrder :p

A scotsmans kilt was blown up in the wind,

Ee jock its gruesome said a passng lady

Weel put yere hand up & it'll gruesome more :D :D

pyro said:
^^ What I find funny is that you guys make jokes against eachother, it's like a country who's parts make fun of eachother!
Lol thats exactly what it is:p
I'm not anti-Scottish jokes but i just did't really find them that funny. Someone find a good Scottish joke which doesn't involve accents.
Oh i liked the kilt ones :p
Double glazing is doing great business in Scotland in hope that the children cannot hear the icecream van when it comes round. :p

- How did the Grand Canyon come about?
A Scotman lost a sixpence.
:D :D
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Serj said:
It's always you that posts 'i dont get it' in joke threads..... :p :D
I've noticed that... :/

I find all these Scottish jokes quite offensive :(

My poor dead grandfather was Scottish... :(

...He died after being hit on the back of the head by a 50p coin he dropped.

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