A seriously big BBQ (what was I thinking)

http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18515981Think you'll be surprised how little people will eat, guage 1lb of meat per person and use the bbq to finish meat off not cook it through otherwise you'll be there for hours, make as much as you can the day before like your bbq beans and coleslaw as these keep nicely.

Absolutely this.

I cook everything in the oven, even sausages and burgers sometimes if I'm pushed for time or I have a bit of an 'open door' policy and not sure how many/when people will turn up. Definitely chicken which is my least favourite thing to cook on a bbq.

Coleslaw can be done the day before for sure but if not then get everything together and just add mayo/yoghurt (or whatever) a few hours before. I personally prefer it a day old, especially if it has mustard in it as the flavour can really change.

Leave as little to the day as humanly possible. Also if I was providing all that food I would at least expect people to be bringing drinks. Very generous of you but any BBQ I host usually has the women bringing a bottle of bubbly or wine and the guys bringing a four pack.

Try and enjoy it as well, I find hosting 10+ people very stressful but wouldn't even entertain the sort of number you're talking about
Well.. the food has started to arrive, haven't cooked anything interesting yet other than a tomato base and BBQ sauce but will start getting busy from tomorrow night!
Done a BBQ for 50 before, honestly best advice i can give is just chill out, light the coals, have a beer and let the grilling commence.
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