A Song Of Fire And Ice Books Appreciation Thread *Spoiler Tags Please*

22 Oct 2004
Lastnight i finished reading book 1 A Game Of Thrones. I loved it, im so glad i decided to start it. I bought the book about 2 years ago, just randomly but never started it. Then i heard they made a series about it, and decided to buy it on blueray cause i dont have sky.
I loved the series, and that made me start the book. The book is so much better as of course the tv series misses a lot of stuff out. But the book is so well written i like how each new chapter is dedicated to one of the many awesome characters.
My two fav characters is Jon Stark (Lord Snow) and Arya, i cant wait to see what they get up to in the next book.
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Misses and I watched the first episode of season 1 2 nights ago. We both thought it was brilliant so I have bought the first two books for us both to read!
similar position to OP.
heard about the series,
then at bootsale 3 weeks ago, i got the set (except book 3 part 2) for £2 :D
I am hooked, really enjoying them, half way through book 3 part 1 now, so really need to get that missing book soon.
also i really like Tyrion's witty and sarcastic dialogue
If I wanted to pick up from book 3 after having watched series one and two of the TV show, what would I need to know? I haven't seen S2E10 yet, but I've watched all of the others.

As I understand it, Theon's story in Winterfell is different due to the absence of Roose Bolton in S2? Also think I remember reading that there's a couple of characters missing from Bran's story and Dany's story has changes significantly (but with the same outcome, so not all that important to me, I just want to catch up on the essentials so that I'm not confused).
I would read the first two books first tbh. There are a lot of minor characters who have been dropped in the show who will be in book 3 and will probably confuse you. If you want me to give you a quick summary of the bigger changes I could.
You need to read the first 2 books, if anything to get used to the style it is written in and fill in some back story
Yes the first two are a must as they are actually good.
After that they become somewhat of a rambling overblown mess.
I've made a start on book 3. I'm at Arya's first chapter now and all is good so far. I've read about half of book 1 before and given I now know most of what happens in both of the first two books I've not got that much enthusiasm to read them right now.

If something doesn't make sense I'll just read the Wiki, already know bits from wiki pages I've read while watching the TV show.
I've heard a lot of people say that Book 3 is their favorite... i'm on the last few chapters of GoT, then i have CoK already but i still need to buy the rest. Just went for the reissued paperbacks on Amazon, £5 per book (or less) is reasonable enough.
Don't read the blurbs on the back covers, they have big spoilers from the previous books.

Made that mistake the other day when I was in Waterstones. The book covers aren't numbered and I couldn't remember which one was number 3. When you've only watched up to Season 2 of the show you really, really don't want to find yourself reading the back of 'A Feast for Crows'.

The Wheel Of Time books are numbered. Couldn't GRRM have done the same to make it easier to keep them in order?
I am prepared to accept its not a widely held opinion, I just find there to be a rapidly increasing amout of waffle, padding and pointless deviation as the series goes on.

Tbh, thought that book 4 was weak compared to the other books and that 5 was more of a return to the second and first, I only think that what you said really applies to book 4 only. Book 5 is much better.
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