A strange journey

17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
They made it sound worse than it was. Not too bad.
They do seem to like to do that, I suspect partly because if they don't make it out to be unpleasant and someone doesn't like it they get complaints rather than "you did that really well, I barely felt it" ;)

Glad you're still with us and it sounds like you're making good progress :)
Do they still apply loads of pressure on where they inject the dye? My Dad had to have these super regularly a few years back, and they injected it near the femoral artery and then pretty much sat on it for 20m after.
Yes they did, that was the most uncomfortable part.. My hip is still aching from that. I had to lay flat for an hour afterwards but they forgot and left me there for 2. I had to be in bed for 4 hours in total after it. I also didn't eat the night before as I wasn't told anything about it. I found out when we got that I could have done! I was most annoyed and starving. They rushed it through as the letter giving more info would have arrived 2 weeks after my appointment.
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