A strongmans log - British champion u105KG

I generally do, they come to just above the knee. I might roll them up so you can see my sausage legs :D lol
Go away for a few days and all I've missed is talk of another man's legs!

Just got back from a long weekend in Prague, managed to squeeze in a little training. Even found a semi-decent gym in the centre of Prague, nothing really worth reporting but its all on my blog if anyone's interested: www.oxfordpt.co.uk/blog
Today's efforts:

07:00 AM


10 minutes @ 6 mph


10 minutes


10 minutes @ 1:55-2:00/500m

19:00 PM

Back squats (low bar, belt)

70KG – 10
120KG – 5
160KG – 3
200KG – 1
Add wraps
240KG – 10
Remove wraps
240KG – 5,5,5

Log (Old style clean and jerk)

100KG – 3
125KG – 6,6,6 (all sets done in 54-57 seconds)

Strict press

70KG – 5
90KG – 4,4,4


BW – 10,10,8
Ben, any videos of your new vs. old log technique for those geeky enough to be interested?

Stupid strong squatting btw!

There are a few videos of my old technique kicking about, there's one on facebook but I have no idea how to post it here!

I haven't got round to filming the 'new style' yet, but its essentially the same as everyone else's now. I'll try to capture it on film this week.

Legs were sore before I started squatting yesterday, was fairly happy to get 10, I might be doing London's strongest man on Saturday which has a 240KG squat for reps... should be good for 12+
240 for reps is insane!!

How long have you been training now? Also how much did you weigh when you first started? I would be happy with 240 for a single one day, might take a good few years yet haha. Is there a possibility of doing it at 5'8" natural and raw?
240 for reps is insane!!

How long have you been training now? Also how much did you weigh when you first started? I would be happy with 240 for a single one day, might take a good few years yet haha. Is there a possibility of doing it at 5'8" natural and raw?

I've been lifting for 12 years. I was only 16 when I first started and have no idea what I weighed at the time. I've been 105-115KG for as long as I can remember.

At 6 foot, natural and semi-raw (knee warps and belt) I can squat 320KG+ so 240 is entirely possible. However, it's unlikely many would actually achieve it due to the dedication required.
Can I be 6 foot as well?
I would be happy with 240 for a single one day, might take a good few years yet haha. Is there a possibility of doing it at 5'8" natural and raw?
Add 10-15kg and 3+years of consistent training.
Yesterday's training:

Decided to compete on Saturday so reduced volume in today's training. Body was feeling pretty tired anyway.

Deadlift (Belt and straps)

70KG - 10
120KG - 5
170KG - 3
220KG - 2
260KG - 1
300KG - 1
320KG - 1
260KG - 3,3,3

Front squats

70KG - 5
120KG - 5
160KG - 3,3,3,3,3

Hang power snatch (fixed feet)

70KG - 3
90KG - 3,3,3

CG paused bench

50KG - 10
100KG - 5
120KG - 3,3,3
Made the final decision to compete on Wednesday, at which point my body was very tired and sore. Took two days off to recover and woke up this morning feeling much better.

There was a spot at Giant’s live on offer for the winner of today’s comp, but I wasn’t as focused as normal before hand. 30 minutes before the first event I would have quite happily gone back to bed!

I managed to resist the temptation of more sleep and started to think about the first event.

Event 1 – 250KG squat for reps in 60 seconds

I was the 11th out of 13 to squat, at which point 8 reps was leading the field. I knew there was at least 1 good squatter to go after me so figured 9 probably wouldn’t be enough.
Once I’d recovered from losing balance on the first squat, it actually felt fairly comfortable. I took the lead with 9 and then did 3 more in an attempt to put the last 2 competitors off chasing 1st place. The tactic worked and Rob Frampton, a strong squatter who was last to go, settled for 9 reps and left me with the event win.

Event 2 – Farmers hold – 155KG per hand

I was last to go, which is often an advantage in event’s like this. However it made little difference today because my grip was poor (again). Hands slipped a little on the pick up and never really felt comfortable. Managed 20.xx seconds for 7th or 8th place. Annoyed, but only myself to blame.

Event 3 – 125KG log for reps in 60 seconds

Had done 3 sets of 6 in training last week, so knew I was good for 7 or 8. I managed 7 reps in about 50 seconds and then wasted time asking how long was left. Should have just got on with it! Didn’t have time for the 8th rep. However 7 was good enough for =2nd and I was never going to match Lloyd’s 9 reps.

Event 4 – 130KG atlas stone to shoulder, reps in 60 seconds

This was changed from 140kg stone over yoke for reps at the last minute. I’ve never shouldered a 130KG stone before, so didn’t know what to expect! I managed to muscle up 5 reps, which I was happy with. I think it was good enough for 4th place. Room for improvement, something I shall be practicing.

Event 5 – 275KG deadlift for reps in 60 seconds.

Was in second place overall at this stage, 5 points behind the leader. I knew that my chances of winning were all but over at this point. 2 guys had managed 10 reps for a tie of the lead by the time it came round to me. I needed 11 reps to take the lead and hope the current overall leader couldn’t manage 8. I did a fairly comfortable 11 reps and stopped knowing the any extra wouldn’t do me any good in the overall standings.

Lloyd managed 10 reps which left me in second overall, 3 points of the top spot. I was pleased with my performance and second place, I know the areas that need work.

Body feels okay, some light training tomorrow then a weeks prep before Dubai.
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