A third of U25s haven't drunk alcohol in the past year

I’m not surprised, I’d blame it on men subscribing to MGTOW in large and refusing to go out on the chase anymore. I’d like to see the figure breakdown by gender to see if that theory holds any water

Which translates to third of under-25s and 26% of 16-24 year old men are virgins.
Kind of feel a bit sorry for teenagers/young adults now. Booze is bloody expensive, drugs aren't what they were in the late 80s early 90s. We used to be able to get smashed for under £10 when I was 18. And then the whole rave culture kicked off in around 88 but 1990 for me and then you could get off your face and dance all night and have the most amazing time for £10-15. No hassle, no dodgy drugs, just hundreds of people having the best time ever. All the loved up girls in hot little outfits wasn't exactly a bad thing either. And no camera phones to show us all gurning our faces off.

edit: if I could go back and live one night again it would be one of those nights.
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According to acquaintances who employ or look after younger folks, they are all drugged up and vaping instead.

I never touched alcohol until I hit 30 :o Also, drinking in the house is much better, cheaper and when you’re out, you can drive home whenever you want!
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Last time I went clubbing in London it was £15 for a double spirit and mixer, £9 for a bottle of cider. I don’t think it’s a big surprise young people are choosing not to drink at those kind of prices.

I’d like to see similar stats on drug use, and nicotine use. Crazy the amount of kids I see smoking weed after school. We had a few that did and it was a big deal if someone ever had some at a party. Nowadays round here you can go buy it from some rough looking 15 year old
As for the price these days i guess some load up at home with cheap booze before setting off out, in the 80s i would do low £20s to £30 but for the latter it would be a nightclub (PAs Batley, board housewives, grab a granny or the Frontier club) and a ruby plus taxi
Last time I went clubbing in London it was £15 for a double spirit and mixer, £9 for a bottle of cider. I don’t think it’s a big surprise young people are choosing not to drink at those kind of prices.

I’d like to see similar stats on drug use, and nicotine use. Crazy the amount of kids I see smoking weed after school. We had a few that did and it was a big deal if someone ever had some at a party. Nowadays round here you can go buy it from some rough looking 15 year old

Mushrooms and vapes the new alcohol and cigarettes.
I'm not convinced it has much to do with COVID restrictions or cost of living etc., I think a larger proportion of Gen Z are more 'health conscious' than generations before them - they want to eat plant based, they want to keep fit etc. and they have different arenas for socialising that don't really require the involvement of alcohol.
I'm not convinced it has much to do with COVID restrictions or cost of living etc., I think a larger proportion of Gen Z are more 'health conscious' than generations before them - they want to eat plant based, they want to keep fit etc. and they have different arenas for socialising that don't really require the involvement of alcohol.

That's true, with the rise of social media. People want to that "look" so ciggies and alcohol are out the window. Combined with the price of them both.
It would be interesting to see comparable figures for previous decades. It's possible 10% or more always avoided alcohol.

Regional breakdown would also be good.

I'm guessing the increase in Muslims within the general population contributes to it, too. And I'm not being all racist, before someone starts!
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