Out of curiosity I browsed back to 2007, roughly when I first started out as an apprentice beside a venture photographer colleague when he'd shoot weddings.
This was what I had output back then!
I was curious because I saw this friend recently and had a catch up, he's not doing weddings any more and instead running his own little thing photographing wrestling stars. his work is really striking, the same reason I was inspired by his work back then, I am now inspired by the current stuff he's doing.
I have something in mind as to where I want to take my shooting though, I think, but it requires more time to get things in motion and get it right. I plan on toning down the number of solo weddings I shoot and focusing on project work more.over the next couple of years though to aid this.
Anyway, a few more pics that have been processed, and some not yet posted!
And a little something else: