A thread with photos and things.

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Turns out we have done that place before. Got busted by security traversing through, told to plod on.

Maybe a re-visit is on the cards...
Do you have stairs in your house?

Know that feeling I used to take my camera to work but given the weather we get half the year it really isn't something I tended to do for long :p

Once Spring rolls around I'll be back out there during the early hours before Sunrise getting the still waters of the coast - That part of photography never got boring as the colours were always shaded differently and the atmosphere so mellow.
Thanks Tysonator :)

I look back at some of my shots of recent years and think "How did I manage that? can I do better? Will the opportunity ever come again?" - I don't know, I guess this is what makes our interest so much fun, the end result can end up being something totally different sometimes!

I've gone out to shoot a session numerous times only to come back with stuff I don't really feel is worthy of being uploaded but then I end up using it as a learning tool of sorts to better it next time :cool:
A few new from this week.

Number 2 is a new try, softer than my usual. I think it works for that shot specifically but it's not something I use often, only when a frame works well enough with it!
Same with me too and some other photo mates too based on somewhat recent discussions!

But I kept them because they still work as photographs and are of /a moment/ of that day, even if they’re not the sharpest/technical of shots :p
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