Good news, IT'S FINISHED! So time for an update full of pictures
First job though was to fix the issues I was having with the pumps. As you can see they definitely weren't running at 40%!
As this was giving me brain ache I decided to have a break and run a quick benchmark again. Chucked +165 on the GPU core and +475 on the memory to see what happened (CPU still @ stock).
Time Spy came in @ 7774, with the GPU scoring 8448 and the CPU 5356. Not too bad, but definitely going to clock the CPU when I get a few spare minutes
Then some good news: Some very helpful people over in the watercooling section pointed me in the right direction. It seems even when controlling pumps via Aquabus you need to run them via USB first. GREAT! Except check out where the USB headers are...
20 odd minutes and much swearing later they were both plugged in and working perfectly, so a big thanks to those who saved my brain!!
Next up I got the lightbox / shroud mounted properly...
...Added the green dye and she was finally done!
Now for some not brilliant but good enough for now phone pics
And lit up at night:
Hopefully when the Missus gets back from Asia next week I'll be allowed to play with the Nikon and get some better quality pics up, but until then I'd just like to say a massive thanks to the guys at Parvum for doing such a stunning job on the case and all you guys who not only followed the build but also gave me a lot of help and advice along the way. Couldn't be happier with how it turned out so I'm off to put it to use now and admire the graphics on Project Cars