Well, once I'd changed the Phanteks one for the supplied blue LED and then run the Aquaero LED past it to light up the pump top (which should eventually disappear into a combined block) it started to bug me.
You'd have to have loads of Aquaeros to do that as you say. One header is only spec'd to power one LED and on the Aquaero it's Common Cathode (+R, +G, +B, Gnd) as that's the common type of single RGB LED. The Farbwerk which is rated to power more LEDs is set up for Common Anode (-R,-G,-B, +V) since all the RGB strips are wired that way. So the pre-wired Aqua Computer RGB LEDs wouldn't work. I had to import common anode single RGB LEDs from China - couldn't find them locally at all. It does mean I've currently got 90-odd spare if you start feeling the need to wire some up!