Woohoo, more parcels! Was expecting a delivery from OcUK but for some reason unknown to myself I actually received two... Yep, first up was another pack of (not ordered and unpaid for) PETG! Gave them a quick shout on Twitter to ask if I could send the money via Paypal instead of bothering to post it back, was told to just keep it, so cheers guys
Then today the other pair of radiators arrived
An XSPC AX360 in white and a black AX480. Liking the look of these, bit of class about them
Together with the pair of XSPC RX360 V3's I already had. Ooh yes, reckon that's more than enough cooling capacity for now
The dog, admiring the awesomeness of the radiators and generally dossing around like she owns the place
The white AX360 will be for the roof with the black AX480 in the front. Thinking behind it was to keep the front part of the case darker and to put more emphasis onto the actual components... Will soon see whether it works or not
The fatter but fuglier RX360 V3's are to go in the hidden bottom part of the case to cool the GPU. Yes, the plan is starting to come together... And the case should hopefully arrive next week