A wow question about class/race

6 Oct 2004
Hey, ive recently started playing wow, im on the "Twilight hammer" server.

Anyway, ive been playing a human mage recently, got like 8 but dont really find it exciting to play.

So i was wondering what you guys played and how you found it? Im not entirly sure what type of class i would like to play, i know that i want to be alliance though.

I was just wondering what knight elf hunters are like? Are they any good? Can you tame ANY animal to be yours, and how do you keep the animal once you tamed it?

Btw i have read multiple forums/websites but nothing has really answered this question dead on, thanks guys
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It'll all really depend on your preferred style of play.
I'm at a stage where I've decided I like to play an all rounder (main char is a druid), but I've played a hunter, mage, rogue, priest, warlock, warrior for a bit.

I hate the warrior, think hunters are crap, love the rogue, and am liking the warlock and priest. Mage is cool too.

I wouldn't really make a judgement on how good a class is until about level 20, because that's when all the fun really starts and you've got most of the abilities you'll get. Not all, but most.

At level 8 you don't really have a lot to play with.

You can hit level 8 in an hour or two with any class, so I'd say give some others a go. If you like any of them better than the mage stick with them until lvl 20 and reconsider.
ive been playing with a knight elf hunter....and you said they were naff...im not sure what they are like at a higher level but i actually enjoy playing with it lol.

Do they suck?
when i played W.o.W i was a tauren Hunter and tbh

they r very good fun but got ganked at every opportunity :(

awesome for solo'ing but ppl were ignorant to the hunters role and wouldnt want 1 in a raid group for the epic items n such.

I quit because of that.
It all comes down to personal taste really, and how you like to approach things. I have played a Rogue, Shaman and Hunter over the last year or so, I've also played a warrior but only to level 12 as I felt by that stage it wasn't the class for me at all.

I like all of the other 3 and yet they are all so different. I've played the Rogue to the highest level and the rogue has by far the best kit as that character has been a lot luckier with loot and has had a server with a better (I can make more money out of it, sort of better) market however I would say the Rogue is my least favourite to play of the 3.

I really can't choose between the Shaman and the Hunter at this moment in time, but I'd say I'm leaning towards the hunter if I had to name a favourite of the classes I've played sufficiently to judge. I find a Shamans lack of decent crowd control a pain; both the Hunter and the Rogue have very good skills in this respect. The Rogue is far better than the other two at doing melee damage, as you'd expect, the Hunter is far better at doing ranged damage and the Shaman is a hybrid, mine is pretty damn good at melee as he's primarily enhancement specced yet he can lay down some hurt with spells at range and he can buff, debuff, heal ...whatever. The Hunter is the weakest of the 3 in melee combat but make no mistake, despite what I've heard some people say, Hunters can melee just fine when the need arises, particularly with a good pet at your side.

My point is, there are many different styles of play, none are right or wrong, you can play the same class as someone else yet play it in quite a different way, particularly true for hybrids like Shamans and Druids.

Best way to figure out what you like is to start somewhere you think you'll like and just experiment. I've never been particularly attracted to pure caster classes myself, I haven't played any enough to judge them but I just know, they aren't my thing.
Hunters are probably the best class for pvp - and get a whole lot more fun once you get your pet. Be a Hunter and you get to kick everyone's ass.

Warriors are great fun, and always in demand. There's few interesting jobs in instances, especially at end game, but tanking is one of them. They can also be very good in pvp.

Priests are always popular, and it can be a rewarding class. I had one as my main for ages and enjoyed the role untill healing became so mind numbingly boring that i'd rather twist my nuts off than do it again.

My latest character was a Shaman, which is a great fun class to level, but becomes pretty useless at level 60 (you're basically forced into the role of 'crap priest'). A good class for pvp.

Out of the above i'd choose warrior - you'll have no trouble finding groups for 5-man and end game instances (not so for Rogue/Shaman etc), can be awesome in pvp, and at level 60 you just keep getting harder and harder the better the weapons/armour you get.
PFG said:
when i played W.o.W i was a tauren Hunter and tbh

they r very good fun but got ganked at every opportunity :(

awesome for solo'ing but ppl were ignorant to the hunters role and wouldnt want 1 in a raid group for the epic items n such.

I quit because of that.

They must have been cos I can think of 4 encounters across 3 raid instances where hunters are must. :(
n3crius said:
Hunter is my favourite roll. Just love it.
Why do you love it so much?

Im a level 5 knight elf hunter now, i was wondering when can i get a pet, is it worth having a pet? And what pets am i able to get
Andr3w said:
Why do you love it so much?

Im a level 5 knight elf hunter now, i was wondering when can i get a pet, is it worth having a pet? And what pets am i able to get

U can train almost any beast in the game.

when U get to lvl 10 u can start to train them

each pet has its own abilities and skills.armour/Hp/DPS characteristics that makes it a better suited fit for you.

try n find a link on the WoW forums for pets/abilities and their individual stats and skills
Drake said:
They must have been cos I can think of 4 encounters across 3 raid instances where hunters are must. :(

Magmadar, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus (where things need tranq shotting), in fact there's quite a few. Arguably people say one's needed for the Drakkisath fight in UBRS, but only if they're a lacking in confidence/ability.

Anyone who doesn't take hunters to 20/40 man instances is dumb. Completely Dumb.

Unless he means when stratholme/scholomance were raidable and people didn't want hunters around because hunters roll need on everything :D
Jono said:
Magmadar, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus (where things need tranq shotting), in fact there's quite a few.

That flying wasp boss thingy in AQ40 and trash mobs in AQ40.

Do less damage that the rogues on single targets, but take very little healing for damage ourput.
Good PvP class, if played well. The only class that were totally imbalanced against are rogues, which they hate us for, but the upcoming patch they will be getting buffs to their talents, which will be levelling the playing field a bit, which is nice.
I prefer to have a class, that can be beaten by any class, and can beat any class, which boils it a bit more down to skill.

Drawbacks: There are LOTS of hunters.
There are LOTS of hunters
People HATE night elf hunter .... Legolas thing.. i dunno :p
Many of our abilities in lower end instances, can be replaced by another class.
Many people dont like hunters, and many hunters do deserve the lack of respect they get.

To be honest... in my opinion, you dont REALLY get to know a class, untill you hit lvl40-49 and can do some pvp'ing ... thats when you learn to know a class.

Personally played a rogue before, great fun class.
Warrior: Great class, but you need good gear to be any kind of threat to anyone.

List of questions you can ask yourself
Healer or DPS ?
What kind of healer: Main or Supportive?
DPS: Ranged or Melee?
Hybrid class or (whats the antonym for Hybrid?)

hope that helped
Hm I dont recall Ebonroc needing tranq I was thinking Princess Hururan in AQ as the 4th. :p The reason I hate NE Hunters was shadow meld/aimed but thats been nerfed now as far as I know.
Give it some time. To be honest all of the classes are quite boring to play at that level, since you only have access to a small section of the class abilities, and you haven't even started earning/using talent points yet.

I've recently started a new character on that server so if you ever need help in-game...etc just give me a whisper if I'm online: Pholus - Night Elf Rogue.
im level 7 now :p lol

Anyway i havent really noticed that many people running about in the city (danwassas or something like that lol)...or really anywhere, but this sever is ment to have a really high population? (Twilight hammer)

MiGSY said:
Give it some time. To be honest all of the classes are quite boring to play at that level, since you only have access to a small section of the class abilities, and you haven't even started earning/using talent points yet.

I've recently started a new character on that server so if you ever need help in-game...etc just give me a whisper if I'm online: Pholus - Night Elf Rogue.
Off driving now but add me to your friends, the name is Nedin
MiGSY said:
Give it some time. To be honest all of the classes are quite boring to play at that level, since you only have access to a small section of the class abilities, and you haven't even started earning/using talent points yet.

I've recently started a new character on that server so if you ever need help in-game...etc just give me a whisper if I'm online: Pholus - Night Elf Rogue.

Given up on your orc rogue already? :s
Andr3w said:
im level 7 now :p lol

Anyway i havent really noticed that many people running about in the city (danwassas or something like that lol)...or really anywhere, but this sever is ment to have a really high population? (Twilight hammer)

Off driving now but add me to your friends, the name is Nedin

Darnassus? :)

It's not that packed really as it's a start town, you'll see places such as Ironforge packed. Also other leveling area's sometimes are packed depending on whats going on.

Hunters are a lot of fun, i've played on for roughly 3-4 months. Might not be equipped in the best gear but i don't think it's to bad for the amount of time i've been raiding ie. 2-3 months.

This is my hunter. http://www.unknown-insanity.com/uploader/files/10/hunter.JPG
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v1bez said:
Given up on your orc rogue already? :s

I've just recently started a new job which most nights I don't get home until quite late from, meaning I would miss the majority of raids with the guild I was currently a member of. Because of this I decided to leave the guild. I didn't have much choice really, it was either that or wait until I got kicked due to poor raid attendance :(

Such a shame, I made a lot of good friends in that guild, and we always had a good laugh over ventrilo during raids...etc Typically the night I decided to leave we downed Nefarian for the first time >_>

Just started this character to pass the time until I can either find another guild that raids later in the day or get the time to rejoin my previous guild and raid with them again.
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