A wow question about class/race

MiGSY said:
I've just recently started a new job which most nights I don't get home until quite late from, meaning I would miss the majority of raids with the guild I was currently a member of. Because of this I decided to leave the guild. I didn't have much choice really, it was either that or wait until I got kicked due to poor raid attendance :(

Such a shame, I made a lot of good friends in that guild, and we always had a good laugh over ventrilo during raids...etc Typically the night I decided to leave we downed Nefarian for the first time >_>

Just started this character to pass the time until I can either find another guild that raids later in the day or get the time to rejoin my previous guild and raid with them again.

Yeah that's quite understandable really. Did you not ask if you could have played when you could find time seeing as they were your friends though?

Should try another class, a lot more fun then the same old stuff ;). I played a rogue from beta until 3 months ago. Now im a hunter and enjoying the game more as it's completely different compared to the rogue. You might remember me from Warsong in the guild Black Death named Vibez. Currently remaking another rogue for like the 5th time aswell ><.
Every class is boring at level 8, as you have like 5% of the class's abilities. :P

WoW is not really designed for casual players tbh, you have to spend quite a lot of time on the game before it becomes really good, and you've got to get to 60 and play a lot to enjoy it to its fullest (IMO).
MiGSY said:
NO WAI! Rogue until the day I die! <3

Haha that's what i said, the thing is though it does get a bit tedious rolling the same class again and again. I'm still playing a rogue just decided to play another class a bit more, so i enjoy the game and it don't become same old same old ;).
Drake said:
Hm I dont recall Ebonroc needing tranq I was thinking Princess Hururan in AQ as the 4th. :p The reason I hate NE Hunters was shadow meld/aimed but thats been nerfed now as far as I know.

Yeah you're right on both counts, I knew one of the 2 drakes before chromaggus needed calming down a bit, wasn't sure it was both, but no it's just flamegor :)

And yes, Shadowmeld + Anything has been nerfed :mad: why couldn't they just make aimed shot alone break SM? :confused:
I say best class is definately a rogue, stealth and great dps is such a bonus. however i would ditch alliance and join horde. start as an orc rogue and you will be uncommon and damn good with your stun resist.

i hate alliance. always preferred horde for levelling
Gotta agree, Rogue was THE most fun class to play to 60. There's nothing more satisfying than sneaking up on a mage/lock whilst theyre sitting down drinking, and getting in a cheap shot (not the rogue ability) with ambush.

Result: One half dead mage/lock, and more than likely they'll panic, giving you an easy kill


I've started playing a Orc Shaman on Twisting Nether PvP server too. Gotta say I love that class. They do everything and are damn hard to kill while you're out questing :D
Andr3w said:
Hey, ive recently started playing wow, im on the "Twilight hammer" server.

Anyway, ive been playing a human mage recently, got like 8 but dont really find it exciting to play.

So i was wondering what you guys played and how you found it? Im not entirly sure what type of class i would like to play, i know that i want to be alliance though.

I was just wondering what knight elf hunters are like? Are they any good? Can you tame ANY animal to be yours, and how do you keep the animal once you tamed it?

Btw i have read multiple forums/websites but nothing has really answered this question dead on, thanks guys

If you find casters boring you're gona be screwed if you try warrior/paladin! :p
Atari said:
Gotta agree, Rogue was THE most fun class to play to 60. There's nothing more satisfying than sneaking up on a mage/lock whilst theyre sitting down drinking, and getting in a cheap shot (not the rogue ability) with ambush.

Result: One half dead mage/lock, and more than likely they'll panic, giving you an easy kill


Unless the warlock is SL and has full BWL/AQ40 epics then he will just /laugh /dot you to death. I never get tired of doing that. : >
My current char is my 2nd hunter and I love it!

Dwarf Hunter if you want to be Alliance or Troll Hunter if you want to go Horde, that is my advice :)
Andr3w said:
Why do you love it so much?

Im a level 5 knight elf hunter now, i was wondering when can i get a pet, is it worth having a pet? And what pets am i able to get

Many reasons. Mainly I just love the damage that arrows inflict.
Love my rogue, soo much fun lvling up atm. Good in a group or solo. Gonna do a warlock next as they look like a lot of fun as well.

I hate hunters, 90% of the ones i've teamed with have been retarded. Roll need on everything, pull aggro like nothing else, multi-shot after i've saped (groan again) blah blah. Moan to the preist to heal them all the Fing time...
DanF said:
Love my rogue, soo much fun lvling up atm. Good in a group or solo. Gonna do a warlock next as they look like a lot of fun as well.

I hate hunters, 90% of the ones i've teamed with have been retarded. Roll need on everything, pull aggro like nothing else, multi-shot after i've saped (groan again) blah blah. Moan to the preist to heal them all the Fing time...

Holy generalisation Batman.
DanF said:
Love my rogue, soo much fun lvling up atm. Good in a group or solo. Gonna do a warlock next as they look like a lot of fun as well.

I hate hunters, 90% of the ones i've teamed with have been retarded. Roll need on everything, pull aggro like nothing else, multi-shot after i've saped (groan again) blah blah. Moan to the preist to heal them all the Fing time...

I hate Rogues, 90% of the ones I've grouped with have been retarded. Roll on everthing, pull aggro like nothing else, have no idea what sap is, always try to be main tank and moan to the preist wtf u didnt me heal , u suck.

DanF said:
Love my rogue, soo much fun lvling up atm. Good in a group or solo. Gonna do a warlock next as they look like a lot of fun as well.

I hate hunters, 90% of the ones i've teamed with have been retarded. Roll need on everything, pull aggro like nothing else, multi-shot after i've saped (groan again) blah blah. Moan to the preist to heal them all the Fing time...

Their are a lot of newbie hunters out there, but remember not ALL hunters are like that, our guild has some fine hunters who don't do any of them above.
haha thought that would get a few funny responses :p

Yep I've played with some great hunters, it's just very hard to find them ;)

And yes Rogues really do suck when played badly.

I've currently got a lvl60 Paladin and Warrior along a lvl52 Rogue then serveral sub lvl20 Mages, Warlocks, Hunters and Druids.

The Paladin is a nice all rounder, but to be good at PvP you need either great gear or be highly skilled as a Paladin player. Even after the recent Talent changes, you are still reduced to a Cleanse, Buff and Heal bot while raiding, which can get a tad boring. When i got to this stage I stopped playing my Paladin and Rolled a Warrior.

Warrior is much easier and with the right gear and spec you can really do damage on the PvP Battlegrounds. However, you will find (as I do) that without any backup from healers you will spend most of your time doing Suicide charges, which can get quite frustrating. For Raiding you have two choices. You can either be a meatwall/tank which ultimatly gives you a quick route to Epic gear, or you can be a DPS Warrior (which is my role, 2Hand Fury For The Win!). Recently however I have started to get bored with Warrior PvP. With the recent chages to other classes Warrior is slowly starting to lose it's edge. Hopefully the rumored tweaks in path 1.12/13 will fix this.

Rogue is a bit of a Love/Hate for me. I LOVE the stealth factor and the speed at which you kill things. But I HATE playing as a Rogue because I know how ANNOYING they are when you get ganked by them. Plus I don't think I've ever met a rogue player who wasn't a complete tit. The Rogue was my first character when WoW first lauched, and although I loved it I grew tired of having difficulty getting into Parties for UBRS etc...
For PvP Rogues are godlike, with the right strategy a poorly geared rogue can take down a Epic geared Warrior without the Warrior being able to do anything about it. This however takes practice and also the right build. But it's awesome to see someone pull it off. For rogues, your role doesn't really change when you go raiding, simple wait for the tank to get agro then kick the crap out of it.

I can't really talk about the other classes as I've not had much time with them. But from a Warrior standpoint, Warlocks and Mages are VERY good for PvP, there isn't much a Warrior can do to stop them unless you have great gear or highly skilled (of which i am neither).
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