MiGSY said:I've just recently started a new job which most nights I don't get home until quite late from, meaning I would miss the majority of raids with the guild I was currently a member of. Because of this I decided to leave the guild. I didn't have much choice really, it was either that or wait until I got kicked due to poor raid attendance
Such a shame, I made a lot of good friends in that guild, and we always had a good laugh over ventrilo during raids...etc Typically the night I decided to leave we downed Nefarian for the first time >_>
Just started this character to pass the time until I can either find another guild that raids later in the day or get the time to rejoin my previous guild and raid with them again.
Yeah that's quite understandable really. Did you not ask if you could have played when you could find time seeing as they were your friends though?
Should try another class, a lot more fun then the same old stuff