A ZZZAC Thread: Project ZZZAC

So here it is, i got some post today, making me a very happy chappy.

especially when i found this was inside

Trusty MX2 that i buy in giant tubes

Line method to spread the best, also eliminates air bubles

10 minutes later and i had installed my very bent fined and naff, yet also well performing akasa nero s

wait whats this i see? is this a fan next to my board and heat sink, next to a glue gun.... oh dear, we all know where this is going

actualy not a bad job, now for some explanation, the rubber grommets that came with it should never be used on metal finned heat sinks, its just a fast ticket to bending your heatsink fins and never being able to get your can of again, so i just cut them of, hot clue is relatively easy to peal of as it generally comes of as one blob and causes no damage, so i just thought id try make my heat sink last as long as possible.
another image

tatty jumbled case

board and heat sink in... wait do you smell upside-down? :D

Hmmm, ill have enough clearance for my ram...... fat chance :p

test fit of a 4830 that i received today, yes.. i was bored

Before taking out my hard drive from my old build

and then i stole the hdd the 5830 and the 4gb corsair (witch seems to work better than i thought)
and after a few minutes of wiggling and feeling like im forcing it i got the ram in :D

Then i sat back eating pizza and gave the wires a chance to all wire correctly and then cable manage as well.
unfortunately it hates my case as much


i think overall the lighting is not bad, yet it could need some green led's towards the upper end of the case to brighten it up a bit, and well this case is horrible to cable manage so will either be replaced or modded (depends how much my wallet grows over the next few months)

and there we go, installed windows now, bottleneck it the hdd, but it is a great improvement over my last system
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Lol at thinking somehow hot gluing the fan is better than the rubber mounts.

For what it's worth, a scalpel will simply remove the rubber mounts if needed.
Lol at thinking somehow hot gluing the fan is better than the rubber mounts.

For what it's worth, a scalpel will simply remove the rubber mounts if needed.
the rubber bent it whenever i tried taking the fan of, witch is every time i had to mount lintel.

where as hot glue does not stick to metal to much so to take it of i simply peal, remove excess glue and re glue when ready :D
no, they are just feeding. Well done, you made a success. Ditch those horrid fans man they hurt my corneas!

bad picture is why. Overall my room has very bad lighting
EDIT: will order some ram in the next few days, its not unstable yet glitches allot and interrupts with music me thinks, well its the last part that could be a problem part so... :)
EDIT": may be a not enough voltage fluctuation thing with the clock speed, will try tomorow
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"Im not going to OC blah blah blah" First thing that happens is an OC.

Atleast you have a somewhat working rig i suppose!
Well first of all it was voltage fluctuation, i wasn't giving it enough for the small oc, so i put it to 1.32 rather than auto, may try 1.3 or 1.29 later

also, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaack i am interested how did you oc to 3.5ghz as i have a 2400 sitting in a z68 board and a custom wc loop i just spent £220 on -_- waiting for ivy bridge

Ahh as for the oc, just go into bios find all the over-clocking settings and there should be the clock multiplier of around 29x100 and i think that should be unlocked to 36x100, and max it, if it starts glitching a bit put the voltage of auto and find a comfortable setting, but don't over volt :D

"Im not going to OC blah blah blah" First thing that happens is an OC.

Atleast you have a somewhat working rig i suppose!
It is a working rig! and that's only because it was unlocked to an x36 multiplier rather than a 29. and it means im 2500k stock speed, so i haven't lost any performance compared with a non oc'ed 2500k
Have you stress tested? Running stable?

Let's have some screen shots of the system running and showing the overclock, temps, volts etc.
Have you stress tested? Running stable?

Let's have some screen shots of the system running and showing the overclock, temps, volts etc.

yep did an hour or so of prime lastnight.
but after the voltage change there has been no glitching, and its rock solid comparing with my old system.
anyway, i will do, yet it probably wont be tonight as i have allota coursework to do :(
Zac what are the system specs and overclock ?

cureently the cpu is at 3.5ghz,
current spec is
i5 2310 cpu
4gb cosair xms3 (in for a upgrade i think)
a single radeon hd 5830
akasa nero s heatsink
enermax galaxy 850watt psu (2006 dated and cost me £5, very proud it runs still)
nvidia coolermaster stacker
gigabyte GA-Z68X-UD5-B3
Wd caviar green 1tb (cheepest thing i could find
a lian-li hotswap drive bay
and i think that pretty much sums it up :D
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