AAA Game pricing and the last time you purchased a AAA game at launch?

I never buy a game on release I wait about a year. Price comes down plus its a more complete game with patches etc
Most titles I wait about 3-12 months for it to be beta tested by people paying full price so I can get a patched up and improved game for about quarter of the price :D

There are exceptions however. If I really like a franchise and want to see more games in the series developed or I really want to play it day one, then those titles I buy full price to support the developers. The last one I recall doing that with was Deus Ex: Mankind Divided where I got the “Putin” edition. Next I will be grabbing Resident Evil 2 by pre-ordering, but not the “Putin” edition this time as I have zero interest in supporting skins which is what is on offer. If it was dlc in terms of gameplay like a classic mode or something I would have thrown my money at them for it though.

Come to think about it, what I got was just the standard deluxe edition. Putin edition would be the ones that cost £100+ and come with some collectible plastic tat. No thanks.
I stopped buying AAA games on launch because they do not work properly. I don’t mind paying top whack for a top game as I can and I would rather support the gaming industry over most others but, in general, games do not work properly on launch and you are doing dev’s bug-testing for them and paying extra for the privilege.

I have made exceptions e.g. Half-Life 2 I bought on release but even Steam didn’t work properly then! So if Valve can’t even do it (I recall there were issues even with Portal 2 on launch back in the dark ages when Valve used to make games) then virtually nobody can or will. I also bought Deus Ex Mankind Divided on launch as DX:HR was the best game I played in years but DX:MD was so badly broken performance-wise on release that they seem to have killed the whole series, which is a shame as there is a good game with some great content in there hidden underneath the unforgiveable performance issues and inexplicable game modes.

I was going to buy Far Cry 5 but I read on ocuk that it still doesn’t work properly (months after release!) so save your money, wait til it’s fixed and then you’ll probably get it cheaper too.
Bf1, apparently i've had over 700 hours in it which makes me raise my eyebrow a bit to say the least. Bf3 and 4 i had maybe 400-500 ish combined.
Destiny 2 I think, which I bought 2 copies of so my son and I could play together, got our money's worth. :)

Lots of the things the industry does these days are annoying, like those SKU's you mention, however 99% of the stuff in them is useless guff you really dont need at all.

Same, wife and I got it, we played it a bunch. Got to max level, played a few team raid things. Then dropped it. The time we spent playing it got our moneys worth but won't be buying the next one as it's twice Bungie have pulled the wool over it's hardcore fans and we can't support it.
Same, wife and I got it, we played it a bunch. Got to max level, played a few team raid things. Then dropped it. The time we spent playing it got our moneys worth but won't be buying the next one as it's twice Bungie have pulled the wool over it's hardcore fans and we can't support it.

I also wouldn't rush out to buy a Destiny 3 either, we enjoyed it and got a fair few hours out of it but I had hoped it would have a longer lifespan, just wasn't enough to do after a while. :)
Hmmm last AAA game at launch, BF4 I think. I've pre-ordered other games, Anno 2205, State of Decay 2 Ultimate Edition, Vermintide 2.
Fallout 4 was the last game I bought at launch and paid a grand total of £28.

Before that was Witcher 3 at £32*

Before that I think it was Fallout 3!!

Never paid more than £35 for a PC game, probably** never will (limited editions aside. And I mean actual limited editions with physical goodies, not "limited edition because a gun is a different colour" ) .

* I actually won a copy so ended up cancelling my pre-order

** depending what I can get Cyberpunk 2077 for on pre-order
Does Divinity: Original Sin 2 count as AAA? If so it was that. If not, then Ghost Recon: Wildlands.
AAA games tend not to be my cup of tea, thankfully, so I only pick them up down the line if I fancy them. I am a sucker for warhammer games though and bought eternal crusade and Dow 3 at full price (regret!).
I'd buy the Super Game - Super Standard Deluxe Putin Edition.

But i get what you're talking about and the last game i pre-ordered was Far Cry 5, which was quite a borefest and i ended up never completing it.

Right now, i'm starting to support indie developers.
I honestly dont think I have paid full price for a AAA game.

Most of my gaming hours in recent years have gone into Arma 3 and CS GO which I dont think would be classed as AAA games.

I paid £20 for arma 3 when it was on sale & pre ordered most of the later DLCs so I have probably spent around £50 on it. But I have had close to 3000 hours of game play so I definatly got my moneys worth.

I have all of the battlefield games but I never pre order them or buy them upon release, I always wait a while and tend to pick them up in a sale.

Allot of thats down to waiting until bugs have been fixed and they are more stable. But I think it would also **** me off quite allot if I paid £5-60 for a game then see it go on sale for less than half the price a few months later.

I have quite a large game library on steam but most have came from steam sales & humble bundles. And most of them are unplayed as I spend most of my hours on arma.

If arma 4 was announced though I would have no hesitation paying full price upfront.

Another thread reminded me of the last AAA game I bought. A friend worked at Game and pre ordered it for me.
LOTR the battle for middle earth 2
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Last AAA I bought was Farcry 5 the trailers just looked so good, it ended up being repetitive and only killed the first boss.
BF4. I was looking through my Steam library and there's no correlation between amount spent and hours played, so I see no reason to pay 'AAA' prices. I'd never pre-order, or subscribe, or buy any game with microtransactions.
Last AAA I bought was Farcry 5 the trailers just looked so good, it ended up being repetitive and only killed the first boss.
Far Cry games are always like that, they look good, but game play gets boring fast.
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