AAA Game pricing and the last time you purchased a AAA game at launch?

GTA III bought on launch weekend on PC (so somewhat after console launch).

A long time ago now.

That I won't pay full AAA pricing is more a reflection on me and my priorities than on games themselves, though. just don't have the time to get my money's worth out of any £40 game.
Easy to say with hindsight, but at the time of purchase you don't know how long you're going to play it for.

It's certainly hard with new IP to second guess whether you'll get your money's worth, it's new games that promise a lot and don't deliver that are the risky ones. Sure with BF, some iterations have been poor compared to others but for the most part even the poor ones have been reasonable value for money.
Battlefield 1 - Didn't pay full £49.99 but got it as soon as it was released.

Multiple SKU's really #### me off. I remember a time when you bought a game, and it was the only version, with everything in it.

I don't mind paying for extra content within reason, if it is actually new, extra content, but releasing content as DLC, when its clear that it should have been included in the game from the outset, is really annoying business practice that just rinses the customer.

It's clear this has been the business plan of EA with previous battlefields, it wasn't actually "extra" content at all, so I chose not to buy them.
Same with Microsoft and the multiple Forza editions. Love the game, would happily buy it if priced sensibly, but I'm not going to spend £80 for the "full" version of the game.
I will purchase anthem and possibly battlefield V (through cd keys). problem with games is nowadays they get repetitive and boring after a while. I prefer pure storyline games to open world and naff story
Years since I've bought a standalone game on release. I did pre-order Mordor expansion for LotRO a few days before release, the few updates before that were near enough free (apart from 1 month paid VIP in 2017) as bought with accumulated Turbine Points, so certainly owed them something anyway!

Going forward, I might get Hitman 2 around release date (comes out in November, so might get it in Steam Christmas sale (not expecting more than 10% off then)). It will have timed elusive targets same as in Hitman which I have enjoyed, thanks to them having an encore I've only missed 2 that haven't reappeared.
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