About to click buy now on headphones...

2 Dec 2007
Earphone and IPOD 80gb review 22.05.2008 3rd page ...http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?p=11733256#post11733256

23.04.2008 2nd review page 2. - These sound like dog poo.

21.04.2008 -1st reveiw page 2 - Headphones arrived, small review on page 2.
Full review in a few weeks time

Sennheiser CX300 -White

I'm about to buy these from a popular e-commerce company for £19 delivered.

I've tested my friends CX300, even though 1 ear bud is DEAD. I was still impressed!

I've also tested my friends Sennheiser HD 205, and was very dissapointed, as they could not handle bass. I listen to a lot of HIP HOP music.

Budget is about £50 MAX for in ear canel type headphones.

But these CX300 £19 delivered seem like a bargain compared to other sites that are selling them for £39.

What do you think? :)

Oh, these headphones are for my NEW black Ipod Classic 80gb, BTW.
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Ive got a pair and for the price you cant really go wrong, I picked them up for £16.99 from one of the offshore people
I'd be tempted to get the ultimate ears super.fi 3 if you can go to £50 - £60ish, or the metro.fi 2 for around £40.

I haven't listened to them so don't know how they compare to the sennheisers, but I'd expect them to be better given the rest of their range and past sennheiser in-ears I've listened to. But then I would say that as I've just bought the triple.fi 10s :D
Don't forget you can use the distance selling act to send back the pair you don't like, if you can't listen to them both in a shop somewhere (which I'd guess is pretty unlikely anyway) :cool:
Just read some reviews on the Ultimate Ears Super.fi 3
-In short, they don't produce deep base. :rolleyes:
The sound quality. While the clarity may be good, the lack of any real bass and way too much treble is not enjoyable in in-ear headphones. Yes they are monitors. Yes they cost £60. But when I turned the eq setting of my ipod to 'bass boost', the headphones couldn't cope. The bass became horribly flattened and distorted.

Definitely not what I want.
cx300's are crap/ there's bass, andf then there's nothing but flabby, unrefined bass with no midranage and a shrill topend (aka cx300s or even worse, the sony ex71's). for £16 id suspect them to be fakes as well.

but anyway, i wouldnt recommend them. id recommend some sony ex85's of course!
cx300's are crap/ there's base, andf then there's nothing but flabby, unrefined base (aka cx300s). for £16 id suspect them to be fakes as well.

but anyway, i wouldnt recommend them. id recommend some sony ex85's of course!

Id be very surprised if such a large well known jersey company were selling fakes and they wernt bought from one of the trade things they all seem to have these days
Apple store = ££££££++++ :)

If buying from the large Jersey-based store, make sure it's really from them and not one of their marketplace sellers (you might as well buy from that-big-auction-site instead). I've had more than one fake / scratched DVD from those folk.
Apple store = ££££££++++ :)

If buying from the large Jersey-based store, make sure it's really from them and not one of their marketplace sellers (you might as well buy from that-big-auction-site instead). I've had more than one fake / scratched DVD from those folk.

Yeah that was what I was going to do, £19 delivered from the rainforest guys :)

But right now I'm looking into the Sony EX 85/90's
Ok, final decision is CX300.
But I am worried they might turn out to be fake if bought from the famous rainforest.
Should I just buy from Apple store and be 100% sure they are genuine?!
...and if the common failure does happen I can easily take it back for replacement?!
Ok, final decision is CX300.
But I am worried they might turn out to be fake if bought from the famous rainforest.
Should I just buy from Apple store and be 100% sure they are genuine?!
...and if the common failure does happen I can easily take it back for replacement?!

Just buy direct from the retailer rather than a marketplace trader and you should be fine, if your still worried google "fake cx300" and check yours when they arrive against the guides
i got mine from the rainforest store a while ago for about £13 or something, and really, for that price they were great, go for it, i highly doubt they were fake
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