About to click buy now on headphones...

fakes. is that logo colour silver? senn never did that. i did warn you. do you ahve a picture of the packaging?

Logo is BLACK. :)




Packaging looks good to me.
christ whats with the capitals? anyway. from looking the only reference i can see too cardboard box packaging are fakes. but hey i might be wrong right?

anyway, the only thing the cx300's do mange with any real conviction is the bass. i would start questioning anything that doesnt handle an uneq'd ipod. my earphone is ear-destroyingly loud with no eq but its not at all bass-heavy. its very flat.
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Sorry if it seemed as if I was shouting with the capitals. I wasn't.
As for the cardboard packaging its the "environmental loving package" ... its legit.
Told you get mylarone x3i £28 delivered to you're door best phones around for under £100 they sound like grado's.
they are good but not that good. C64 likes to pimp the x3i's but ive said previously the x3i's are £30. spend more and you can get better. people are rating the denon c551's above the x3i's and they are available from these shores for £60. built a lot better as well. the c700's are £70 right now and look very interesting.

X2 on Vanger's impressions. I have the C700 and X3i. The X3i has a little more bass, but nowhere near the detail of the Denons IMHO. The bass on the Denons is much cleaner and deeper. The highs are much brighter and less cymbalent too.

People have a harder fit with the Denons, but the foaimes fit them too!

The build quality is worlds apart. The Denons are built with a solid aluminum housing. The jack is also aluminum. The cable is thicker and much sturdier. The Mylars are all plastic and it will show. Jaben will replace them (over, and over, and over) which gets to be a pain.

The newer C751 are actually cheaper then the C700 right now:

Denon AH-C751


i know which ones would win my money, even at twice the price. apparently the 551's have a balance closer to the x3i's, but obviously are var better built. the x3i's are good value, but they are still cheap iems with cheap build quality. you certainly can do better for £100
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I have the X3's

I originally ordered the XB's, but as they were out of stock, i was offered the X3's now, then the XB's for free when they came back in stock.

Anyway got the X3's..then a few weeks later XB's.

I started using the XB's...and well after a few weeks...the wire kind of broke..dunno how but the rubber thing came off near the end and could see the wire..and it interfered with the sound. I emailed them and they said to send it back and they will send a replacement...but i just never got round to it :p LOONG to send it back to singapore..

And i still had the X3's..which im using now...no problems with them.
depends on what you prefer. the x3 and x3i's are more geared towards fidelity whereas the xb and xbi's are the Bass model and of course are more bass heavy. i would think given a decent amp or mp3 player most people would prefer the 3 or 3i's:)
Umm.. I seriously doubt that.

Agreed, my favourite phone sunder 100 are easily the alessandro MS-1s. The perfect portable grado's if there are such a thing :D

I highly recommend the graham slee voyager portable amp. Expensive at £179 and looks like a budget black ABS case, but it's sturdy and most importantly sounds fricking sensational. I managed to have the pleause of hearing one of the pre-release models, and the good thing was either a normal (flat) setting or a 'fun' setting that sprused up the music nicely if you wern't in the mood for perfect audio flatness.

Il be look at some er4p or senn HD-25 (woth hd650 cable) as my new portable phones, and might factor in a 2nd hand ray samuels tomahawk. Im a london commuter and I still use my cheapy westone um-1. Not the greatest sound, but great for the price, and are the most bashable phones ive owned and survive tugging, crushing, and punching in the ovaries from orbit x2. That's the one thing that worries me about etys, they don't seem the most bashable.
Back onto the review.

I have decided I no longer want to keep these. They are not good enough for me.
On some songs they sound flipping great!
On some songs they sound like dog poo!

So can I refund it back to the "rainforest" guys ?????????

PS - The EQ is set only on ACOUSTIC.
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You might be able to send it back if you deem it isn't fit for use.

Sounds like you might even have a damaged set as my GF's CX300's seem to cope pretty well with deep bass. Only my own UE metro-fi 2's do better of the in ear phones i've used.

Wonder if they'd let you swap out for a different make?

Im gonna have a look at the above suggested headphones,

What a disappointment these CX300's are :( :( :( :( :(

EDIT: I may have damaged them, but to be fair I've only used them properly no more than 3 times :( :(
just to clarify this. your ipod classic - if its anything like my iphone the eq will be trash. beyond trash even.

are you doing the whole lowering the volume of the songs trick before you sync them? if you dont know what i mean then try this.

take one song, copy it in windows so you have two copies. stick them in itunes and take the copy (you can leave the filename the same although you might want to change the id3 tag slightly so you know which is which) and right click > get info > options > volume adjust. set that to something like 70% and hit ok. sync both tunes and play them on the ipod (leave the other copy at 100% volume)

tell me what happens.

anyother question, with the eq off how loud can you go before distortion sets in?
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